Adding an H5P Activity to the Courseware
Margarita Berezyanskaya
Last Update hace un mes
Since the introduction of HTML5 as a standard for web development, many web-development tools, such as H5P, are HTML5 compliant. Features of learning objects produced with H5P are: responsive display, instant feedback, activity summary and communication of activity details to the Moodle gradebook.
Avenue courses provide H5P editing within the course. Instructors can create more than forty different kinds of H5P learning objects with more anticipated over the next year. These range from a complete module with a variety of resources and activities to a simple multiple-choice question.
Blended learning is enriched by selecting additional options associated with H5P activities and resources. Using the Column or Course Presenter features allows instructors to make complex combinations to generate unique learning objects or units.
The variety of resource and activity choices in a user-friendly interface make H5P objects modular and easy to use. As all H5P activities are responsive, instructors do not have to worry about publishing learning objects for different devices including tablets, mobile phones or workstations. H5P does the conversion.
Watch the video for an introduction to H5P activities: H5P Introduction.
H5P & Moodle Gradebook
In most cases, H5P learning events communicate a final score to the Moodle gradebook. At this time, the following H5P features send final scores to the Moodle gradebook: Interactive video, Column, Course presentation, Drag and drop, Drag text, Fill-in-blanks, Find the hotspot, Flashcards, Mark the words, Memory game, Multiple choice, Question set, Single choice set, Summary and True/False questions.
H5P Development
H5P Learning objects are made in the Content bank which is a part of the courseware.
Sharing H5Ps
Single H5Ps vs. H5P Quizzes
Video Resources
An overview of H5P integration in Moodle, including the Content Bank