Adding Tutela Resources to an Avenue Course

Margarita Berezyanskaya

Last Update 13 days ago

Avenue teachers can add resources to their Avenue courses, without the need to download and upload files. Teachers can browse and search Tutela’s collections, preview the files, add them to a dedicated Avenue folder and then access them on Avenue. H5Ps, SCORM packages, PDFs and media files from Tutela can be added directly into an Avenue course from the File Picker.

Teachers can access this feature if they

  • use the same email address in both their Avenue and Tutela accounts

  • are an editing teacher in the course where they want to add the Tutela content. 

Logging in to Avenue and Tutela

1. Go to, click English (if prompted) and click the Login button.

2. Click the Log in with Avenue button.

The browser redirects to

3. Enter your Avenue username and password and click the Log In button.

The browser redirects back to

Note: This only works
when a user's account has the same email address on both sites.

Selecting Tutela Content for Access on Avenue 

Teachers can browse and search Tutela to locate resources they would like added to their Avenue course. These articles explain how to browse and search Tutela:

After locating something for their Avenue course, users should go to the resource details page, which includes an option to preview the item(s).

Click the Add to Avenue Folder link in the top right corner of a resource page.
Note: After clicking this
link, the item(s) will be available in the user’s Avenue Folder.

Clicking the Add to Avenue Folder link, changes it to: Added to Avenue Folder

Teachers can continue to add resources to the Avenue Folder.

Viewing and Managing the Avenue Folder Contents on Tutela

There are two ways to display the Avenue Folder on Avenue:

1. After a resource is added to the Avenue Folder, a link appears in the Added to Avenue Folder text. Clicking the Avenue Folder link displays the Avenue Folder contents.

2. The sidebar on the left side of the Tutela
page displays a link to the Avenue Folder in the MY AREAS section. Clicking it also displays the Avenue Folder contents.

The Avenue Folder is organized into four category subfolders:

  1. Teaching Resources

  2. H5P Resources

  3. SCORM Resources

  4. Teaching Support, PD & Admin Resources

  • The number in each circle shows the number of resources in a subcategory subfolder.

  • The date/time when a subfolder was last updated is displayed below the subcategory title.

  • Clicking the name of the subcategory or the View button next to a subcategory displays its contents.


  • The Back to Categories button navigates back to the main Avenue Folder.

  • Use the “Click here to search for more resources to add to your folder” link to jump to the repository page to find more items to add in that Avenue subcategory.

  • Click the resource title to display more about the item or preview it.

  • The date that the resource was added to the Avenue Folder is displayed next to the item.

    (The date the resource was updated on Tutela is also provided under the resource description.)

  • Click “Remove” to delete an item from the Avenue Folder.

Note: The contents of the Avenue Folder cannot be modified at Items can only be added and removed on
Accessing the TutelaAvenue Folder at

1. Login to (if necessary) with the same email address as your account.

2. Navigate to a course page in which you are an editing teacher.
Note: Access to Tutela's Avenue Folder is not available to the
Instructor (non-editing) role. Contact your mentor or email [email protected] to find out how to become an editing teacher in your course(s).

3. Click the Turn editing on button.

4. Click Add an activity or resource at the bottom of a course topic.

5. Select an activity or resource in the Add an activity or resource panel.

In this example, a SCORM package has been selected. (Other activities and resources could be selected depending on the items added to the Avenue Folder on Tutela.)

6. Complete the Name and other settings as required.

7. Click the Add … button in the Package section.

8. Click Tutela in the File Picker side bar.

The same folder contents in Tutela's Avenue Folder are replicated
in the Tutela repository in the Avenue File Picker. 

Note: Only those folders with files will appear on Avenue.

 9. Click SCORM Resources to access the contents.

The two items in the subcategory appear below the SCORM Resources heading.

Clicking the "i" next to an item displays the resource description. Click the description to close it.

10. Hover the cursor over the file icon to view the file name and size.

11. Click the file icon to select it and return to the SCORM activity settings page.

The SCORM package has been added to an Avenue activity directly from’s Avenue Folder.

12. Continue editing the SCORM activity settings as needed, and click the Save button.

Note: This article explains how to use the Avenue Folder on Tutela to add a SCORM activity to an Avenue course. The same steps can be applied to add an H5P or File to a course - or to embed an image or audio file in a Label or Page.
Note: Editing teachers can access the contents of the Tutela folder in the File Picker in any course activity that can access the File Picker panel, such as adding attachments to a forum post.