Course Accessibility Block

Margarita Berezyanskaya

Last Update un mese fa

Instructors and students can use the Accessibility block on their courses to customize text size to accommodate vision issues. Avenue participants can also change the text and background colours to create a suitable colour contrast. The Accessibility block settings only affect the current course for that particular user. At this time, they must be set for each course, and each student that needs the settings must make their own changes. However, setting up a course takes less than 5 minutes. 

Setting up the Accessibility Block

1. On an Avenue course, click on the Turn editing on button.

2. In the Navigation Drawer, click on the Add a block link.

3. In the drop-down menu that appears, click on the Accessibility option.


Note: The Accessibility block appears on the course. 

4. In the Accessibility block, click on the Actions menu icon.

5. Click on the Configure Accessibility block option.

Note: The Configuring an Accessibility Block screen appears.

6. Ensure that the Allow ATbar appearance is unchecked.

7. Three colour schemes appear. #2, #3, #4. Colour scheme #1 does not appear but is the default of the Avenue template. It appears as the R button on the Accessibility block. 

8. Colour schemes can be changed. These changes will only apply to this course and when a user chooses the specific colour scheme. 

Note: Ensure the colour contrast codes are suitable for the students in your class. The defaults provided are Lowered Contrast 1, Lowered Contrast 2 and High Contrast

Colour codes (hexadecimal codes) can be generated at

9. To locate a hexadecimal colour code go to

10. Copy the code and paste it into one of the Colour Scheme fields.

Note: Hexadecimal codes using the following pairs, are considered more web friendly.

00 33 66 99 CC FF

Examples of web friendly colours are:
#0033FF, #3366CC, #FFFFFF, #000000

To see what web safe colours appear as go to

11. In the Where this block appears section, ensure that the Display on page types is set to Any page

12. Click on the Save changes button.

13. If desired, move the Accessibility block within the course.

Using the Accessibility Block (Students and Teachers)

1. With Editing set to Off, alter the Text base size by clicking on the Increase Text Size or Decrease Text Size buttons, as many times as required. Clicking the plain A will reset the text size to the default. 

Note: It is important to save each change. 

2. Click on the Save Setting button. 

3. Choose a Colour scheme. 

Note: The defaults are Lowered Contrast 1, Lowered Contrast 2 and High Contrast.

4. Click on the Save Setting button. 

5. To reset the colour setting, click on the Default Colour Scheme button (reset colours in image above).

6. Open other course pages to see if the new settings have been applied. If you jump to another course, these setting will likely not be shown, unless you have already applied the Accessibility settings to that course.

Note: Modular learning objects including H5Ps and SCORMS will not be affected by this the Accessibility block. Also, some icons and images may not appear in different colour contrast combinations.