Importing Teacher-built Activities from Another Course within Avenue

Margarita Berezyanskaya

Last Update hace un mes

Teachers who have more than one course can import activities from one course to another within Avenue. This is most useful for importing several activities at once. For a single activity, using Backup/Restore is another option (see Using Backup and Restore to Move an Activity from One Course to Another).

Note: If you wish to import an entire Topic from another course, it will be much easier if you add an empty topic to your destination course first, and place it in the correct position in that course (e.g., if you wish to import the third Topic from your source course, put an empty topic in the third position of your destination course).

1. Click on the Actions menu and choose Import.

2. Select the course to import from and click Continue

Note: Only courses for which a teacher has course editing privileges are available.

3. The Initial Settings page is displayed. Select them as follows. Click Next.

4. The Schema Settings page is displayed. Click None.

5. Choose the topics you need, and the activities within the topics.

6. At the bottom of the page, click Next.

7. The Confirmation and Review page appears. Verify your choices and click Perform Import at the bottom of the page.

8. The Complete page appears. Click Continue.

9. Your course appears. The imported items are at the bottom of the Topics they came from, by number. That is, if the activity was in the third Topic in your source course, it will be at the bottom of the third Topic in your destination course.

10. Move the activities as required.