Reusing an H5P Learning Object

Margarita Berezyanskaya

Last Update a month ago

One of H5P's most powerful attributes is the ability to reuse or repurpose an existing H5P activity. There are a few steps necessary to reuse or repurpose an H5P for your needs.

  1. Acquire or locate and download an existing H5P.

  2. Open the H5P in an editor and make required changes.

  3. Save the updated H5P with a different file name.
Note: After saving the H5P learning object with a different name, both the original H5P and the new H5Ps are still available.

In this example,

  1. an H5P object is downloaded from Tutela,

  2. the H5P file is saved in the Avenue course Content bank,

  3. the H5P file is edited in the Avenue course Content bank,

  4. the H5P learning object is added to the main course page.

Acquiring an H5P from a Repository 

1. Go and log into

2. Click on the Resources icon. 

3. Click on the Browse all button in the H5P Resources section. 

4. Choose a Level or Theme.

Note: A list of results appears on the screen. 

5. Refine your search and then choose one of the options by clicking on its title.

6. Click on the Further Information tab to view the Copyright terms.

Note: In this case the terms are Creative Commons, provide attribution of the original authors, sharing, adapting and do not use this work for commercial purposes. 

7. Click on the Resource tab to return to the Overview.

8. Look through the objects in the Overview list, click on the Preview button to look at each learning object.

Note: Previews appear at the bottom of the screen, you may need to scroll downwards to see the preview. 

9. To acquire the H5P, click on the Download button in the in the Overview list.

10. An .h5p file will appear in your Downloads folder.

11. Log out of

Repurposing an H5P 

1. In Avenue, open your course.

2. Click on the Content bank link in the Navigation drawer

3. In the Content bank, click on the Upload button.

4. Click on the Choose a file… button.

5. In the Upload a file section, click on the Choose File button.

6. Locate and click on the .h5p file name icon in the File Upload window. 

7. Click on the Open button.

8. Click on the Upload this file button.

9. Click on the Save changes button. 

Note: The H5P appears in preview mode in the Content Bank. To customize this H5P, rename it and edit it to your requirements.

Renaming an H5P

1. Click on the Actions menu icon at the top right of the Content Bank.

2. In the drop-down menu, click on Rename.

3. In the Rename Content pop-up, type a new name for the H5P learning object.

4. Click on the Rename button. 

Note: When the screen refreshes, the new name of the H5P learning object appears in the breadcrumb's menu as well as the title of the screen. 

Customizing an H5P in the Content Bank

1. If the H5P file is open in preview mode in the content Bank, click on the Edit button. 

2. In the editing mode, change the H5P Title if required.

Note: The title is for searching purposes only. When you are looking for the H5P file in the Content bank, it is the name you entered in the Renaming an H5P section above. 

3. Type a Task description for this activity.

Note: In this example, the H5P is a Course Presentation H5P. At this point of customizing an H5P, each H5P type is unique. For this demonstration we will alter a few of the elements of the Course Presentation H5P. 


Add a New (Title) Slide 

1. Click on the Add new slide icon.

2. Since new slide open to the right of the active slide, the new slide is now in position 2/20. To move the new slide to the first position, click on the Move slide left icon. 

3. Now that the slide is in the correct position, click on the Text tab.

4. Type a title or introduction.

5. Customize the font, size and position of the text.

6. Continue to customize the introduction slide.

Note: At this point make more customizations. Some of these may include techniques similar to these steps. 

Using Item Copy and Paste

Note: In this example, the author wants to include a logo image on each slide. To save time, the Copy/Paste feature can be leveraged. 

1. With Editing active, click on an element on the screen. In this case the kool academy logo.

2. A light blue display menu appears near the selected element. Click on the Copy icon.

Note: The Paste icon turns blue in the Course Presentation menu bar. 

3. Open another slide on the Course Presentation by clicking on a Slide indicator.

4. Click on the Paste icon.

Reposition and possibly resize the logo on the destination slide. This paste can be repeat throughout all of the appropriate slides. 



Note: It is important to raise the appearance of your digital learning objects by attending to alignment, proportion and visual consistency. This makes the students' experience more predictable and thus, seamless. In this example, the author wants to ensure that all audio icons are consistent in terms of screen placement and proportions. All text should be consistent in terms of screen position size, colour and styles. 
1. On the downloaded H5P, text captions appear in three colours. To make the learning object more uniform, each text box will need to be updated manually. Choose the text style that is most suitable and replicate it manually throughout the H5P learning object. 

Note: When realigning some objects, others become out of alignment. In this case, the audio icon. 

2. To ensure a consistent presentation of objects, use the Transform tool. Click on a screen object and a menu appears.

3. Click on the first icon, transform, and the menu displays Position coordinates and Size dimensions. 

4. Type in desired position coordinates and dimensions for the same elements throughout the learning object. This ensures a consistent look throughout the H5P activity.


Accessibility Considerations

Note: It is important to ensure that your learning objects are suitable for all. These tips will assist you customizing existing content to achieve this goal. 

An Image

1. Double click on an image.

2. Ensure that the description of the image ensures that a sight challenged person or a person with very low bandwidth would be able to visualize what the picture depicts. 

3. Click on the Done button.

An Audio Object

1. Double click on an audio object.

2. In the option menu, uncheck Enable autoplay.

3. Click on the Done button.

A Video Object

1. Double click on a video object.

2. In the Visuals drop-down, check Show video player controls.

3. In the Playback drop-down, uncheck Auto play video and Loop video.

4. Click on the Done button. 

Colour Contrast

Note: The background colour can be changed to match the colour of your intuition. 

1. Click on the Slide background icon. 

2. Choose Template to change the background colour on all slides.

3. Choose Color fill background.

4. Use the colour selection tool to choose a colour.

5. If the colour is suitable, click on the Slide background close icon. If it is not suitable, click on the Reset to default button and the click on the Slide background close icon. 

Behaviour Settings

Note: If you are customizing an existing H5P, the Behaviour settings offer potential opportunities. The ones for the Course Presentation are detailed below. These vary between H5P authoring tools. 

1. Click on the Behaviour settings drop-down menu.

2. Checking the Activate Active Surface Mode hides the bottom navigation menu. If chosen, the teacher/developer must insert Go to Slide items for navigation in their Course Presentation.

Note: Be aware that this setting cannot be undone

3. Checking the Hide Summary Slide hides the final "user interaction statistical slide" which is normally used for learner feedback purposes.

4. Choosing the Override "Show Solution" button enables all Show Solution buttons for all questions in the Course Presentation activity. 

5. Choosing the Override "Retry" button enables all Retry buttons for all questions in the Course Presentation activity. 

6. Ensure that the "Show Solution" and "Show Retry" buttons in the Summary Slide settings are checked. These allow learners to see their performance and to repeat the activity.

7. Checking the Enable Print button enables the printing of the activity.

8. Checking off one of the Social Settings options unveils a series of options that may be customized to share content to the designated social media account.


Text Overrides and Translations

1. In the next section, Text overrides and translations, the instructor can customize feedback by changing terms or translating feedback into another language.

2. In the top right corner, choose a language.

3. Click on the Confirm button.

4. Click on the Course Presentation and then the Slide accordion buttons. 

Note: Translations for key terms in an H5P course presentation appear. 

5. Check through the remaining items to review the translation. Make changes where appropriate.

6. Click on the Save button.

Using Item Copy and Paste and Replace Feature

In this example,

1. an H5P object is downloaded from a shared Avenue course,

2. the H5P file is saved in the Avenue course Content bank,

3. the H5P file is edited in the Avenue course Content bank,

4. the H5P learning object is added to the main course page.

Acquiring an H5P from a Shared Course 

1. Go to a shared course on

2. Click on an H5P learning object

3. Click on the Reuse link on the H5P. 

4. Click on the Download as an .h5p file link.

5. In Avenue, open your course.

6. Click on the Content bank link in the Navigation drawer

7. In the Content bank, click on the Upload button.

8. Click on the Choose a file… button.

9. In the Upload a file section, click on the Choose File button.

10. Locate and click on the .h5p file name icon in the File Upload window.

11. Click on the Open button.

12. Click on the Upload this file button.

13. Click on the Save changes button

Note: The H5P appears in preview mode in the Content Bank. To customize this H5P, rename it and edit it to your requirements. 

Copy and Paste and Replace Feature

1. If the H5P file is open in preview mode in the Content Bank, click on the Edit button. 

2. In the editing mode, note the Copy and Paste and replace buttons.

Note: These will copy the whole H5P for you to paste into a new H5P in another window. Media items will not be copied over with consistency with this method. However, it is a good way to copy over the pattern of a question set. 

3. In the Questions section of a Question Set activity, this feature is very useful to eliminate repetitious clicks.

4. Click on a question in the Question set.

5. Click on the Copy button.

Note: The Paste and replace button becomes active. 

6. Click on the Add Question button. 

7. In the new question slot, click on the Paste button.

8. The new question inserts the question type and the pattern of answers/distracters of the other question. 

Adding the Repurposed H5P to an Avenue Course

Note: If you have repurposed an H5P, the H5P is in the course Content Bank

1. Go to the Adding an H5P Activity to the Courseware article.

2. Scroll down to the Adding an H5P Activity to Your Course section.