Sample Announcements

by Toronto Catholic District School Board, 2023

Margarita Berezyanskaya

Last Update há um mês

Read the examples of announcements below to get a better sense when and how you may need to communicate with learners during the course.

Welcome Message

Hello Everybody!

Welcome to the Networking for Employment course!

My name is Elena and I am thrilled to be your instructor.

I was once a new immigrant myself, so I am familiar with many of the challenges we face as we build our professional life in Canada. I hope that by taking this course, you will gain valuable knowledge and skills that will help you reach your career goals.

Before we start our course, it would be nice to "meet" each other. Please write a few lines about yourself that you would like to share with your classmates and me. Submit your response on the "Getting Started" section under "Introduce Yourself to Your Online Classmates" by no later than [insert the date here].

I will inform you regularly about upcoming deadlines, activities and tasks to complete. It is up to you how much time to spend on each activity. You can re-do activities if you like to.

Our first unit is called Networking: Building a Network. You will be able to see the unit and start working on it tomorrow, [insert the date here].

I am looking forward to working with you and good luck to everybody!


Starting a New Unit

Hello everyone!

Next week, we start the unit called Arranging an Informational Interview. The activities in this unit focus on preparing for an informational interview. In the first week, the e-activities (1-6) provide background information and an example of an informational interview. There are also two forum activities. Please write your posts, but also try to respond to one or two of your classmates' posts. You can ask them a question, or comment on the information they posted.

Please complete the e-activities 1-6 by next Monday, [insert the date here]. Let me know if you have any questions.

Enjoy the new unit!


End of the Unit

Congratulations on completing our second unit, Making an Elevator Speech! Thank you for all your submitted speeches - I really enjoyed listening to them. You can check how well you did by checking your scores and my comments.

If you haven't submitted your elevator speech yet, please do so as soon as you can or send me a message.


Writing Posts on a Forum

Hello all!

This unit has two forum activities. I noticed that it is sometimes challenging to write a forum post, especially responses to your classmates.

To get ideas about how people communicate on a forum, take a look at any online forum and read some posts. You can search for a forum related to your hobby (forum + your hobby) or a forum for newcomers (forum + newcomer), or some other forums.

I know it is a 'less natural' form of chatting, but hearing about others' experiences is a great way of learning.

I look forward to reading about your ideas and opinions in activity 6 by no later than [insert the date here].

Enjoy the new unit!


Reminder about a Task to Submit

This is just a reminder that you need to submit your elevator speech draft by Monday, [insert the date here]. I will mark your speeches by the end of next week. You will see your score and comments on how well you did in your gradebook.
