BigBlueButton: Breakout Rooms

Margarita Berezyanskaya

Last Update vor 6 Tagen

Note: To access comprehensive information on session facilitation and explore additional features, please visit the BigBlueButton Session Facilitation article.
Moderators can divide the class into groups and Create breakout rooms for group work and discussions through the Manage users icon.

The following example shows how groups are generated during the session.

Note: In this example, there are only four students, but in a real class there are likely to be more. 

Breakout room groups can be assigned by clicking on the Randomly assign link or by dragging the names of the students into different rooms.

1. Choose a time Duration after which the participants return to the main session. 

Note: You can increase or decrease the duration while students are in breakout rooms.


2. Check Allow users to choose rooms, if that works for your particular situation. You can also choose to save the whiteboard, shared notes and invitation to assigned moderators for each room.


Note: If you choose the Save options, the whiteboard file will be saved as a pdf file after the breakout rooms are ended. You can click on the file name to open it. 

3. Click on the Create button.


Note: Each participant will see a message asking if they want to join the room. They should click on Join room

When they enter the room, each participant should choose their audio settings once again.

During the breakout session, the groups and time remaining are listed in the Breakout Rooms panel. Instructors can send messages to all rooms from this panel.

Teachers can join the rooms or, by using the ellipsis in the top right hand side of the Breakout Rooms panel, Change the duration, Manage users or End breakout rooms.

Note: The recording of the BigBlueButton session will freeze when learners are in the Breakout Rooms
Note: To access comprehensive information on session facilitation and explore additional features, please visit the BigBlueButton Session Facilitation article.