Managing a SCORM activity

Margarita Berezyanskaya

Last Update há um mês

After revealing a SCORM activity in your course, students can attempt these activities. It is good to guide your students through some of the types of interaction they may encounter in SCORM activities. After the students have completed interacting with these activities, instructors should know where to view the students' results/grades.


There are four SCORM activities in the Stage 2/3 Exemplar Course. They are called Canadian Employers: What Do They Expect? Veterinary Clinic Interview, Be Positive, and Why Not?

Student View of SCORM Activities

1. Students click on a SCORM link.

Each SCORM activity can be unique in its composition of activities.

The first screen guides the students to a starting point.

On the left side of the SCORM is the Show/Hide icon.

Clicking on the Show icon reveals the SCORM's table of contents. If screen size is an issue, it is suggested that students minimize the table of contents with the Show/Hide icon and use the Navigation menu to move through the activity.

An easier way for the students to progress through SCORM activities is to use the Navigation drop-down menu. It is positioned at the top of the SCORM learning object.

On the SCORM’s title slide, there may be three additional features.

  • Discussion questions, provided in the LINC 2-4 SCORM activities;

  • A web link for more exploration and information;

  • A printable answer key for which only instructors have the password.

Note: In this example, this SCORM has Discussion questions and a printable answer key.


Teacher View of SCORM Activities

1. An instructor clicks on a SCORM link.

The SCORM learning object appears differently for instructors.

Instructors do not view the SCORM as an activity but as an administrative tool. These tools include an Actions menu and Information and Reports tabs.
Note: Users with the Instructor (non-editing) role will not be able to access these options.

The Info tab displays the organization of the SCORM.


Viewing Student SCORM Scores

Gradebook Method

To view the results of a SCORM activity for your class, you can view them in the course gradebook. For detailed instructions on using the gradebook, please refer to Gradebook Basics. This is not the most efficient method, as it requires navigating away from the particular SCORM activity and there are many columns of SCORM and other activities in the gradebook.

SCORM Report Method

A more efficient method of viewing the results of a particular SCORM activity is to use the SCORM reports. This allows teachers to view a page with the scores only for that particular activity, which includes the final score, how many attempts each student had on the SCORM activity, when they attempted the item and how long they worked on it. More complex reports are also available.

1. Navigate to a SCORM activity from the course home page. The Info page appears. It displays information about this SCORM.

2. Click the Reports tab.

The Reports tab displays the Basic report. This tab provides details about learner activity.

There are different types of reports:

  • Basic report

  • Graph report

  • Interactions report

  • Objectives report

  • Question trends

You can use this page to download results to a spreadsheet, select and delete attempts by certain participants and filter the page so it displays all course participants or only those who have or have not completed the task.

These reports can be downloaded in three different formats.


SCORM Activity Types


A Quiz can different question types including true false, multiple choice, one short answer, multi-selection, and a hybrid questions. In most cases, a quiz will have a reading passage, but it can also include images, animations, or video prompts.


Gap-Fill activities are another type of SCORM. They can be designed in two formats.

  • Fill in All the Gaps, where the user types the answer in a gap and clicks Check to check their answers. They can use the Hint button to get a free letter if an answer is difficult to guess. They can also click on the [?] button to get a clue, but they will lose points if they use any hints or clues.

  • Gap-Fill with Drop-Downs allows the students to answer questions or complete sentences without having to spell the words, by choosing the answer from a drop-down menu. This might be useful at the lower levels.

Interactive Crosswords

Interactive Crosswords are also used in SCORM activities. Students must click on the initial square to open an entry text field and the clue.

Jumbled Sentence

In a Jumbled Sentence activity, students must drag and drop words in sequence to create a sentence. Hints are available, but these may reduce the final score.

Jumbled Word

Jumbled Word activity is like the Jumbled sentence activity, except that individual letters are dragged into order.


An Ordering activity involves the students in ordering a sequence of items contained in a drop-down list.


Matching activities involve dragging and dropping items from one side to the other to match words, sentences and pictures. Depending on the author of an activity, items can be dragged from the left or the right. Make sure that the students are aware of this before they attempt one of these.


Listening activities are an important part of the courseware. Ensure that the students understand how to use the player. It is extremely important that you try a listening activity in your lab before the students, to ensure that the plug-in functions for MP3 files.
