Calendar Block

Margarita Berezyanskaya

Last Update hace un mes

The Calendar block helps instructors stay organized, and helps learners manage their time. It displays the following events:

  • Site events: created by admin users - viewable in all courses.

  • Course events: created by instructors - viewable only to course members.

  • Group events: created by instructors - viewable only by members of a group.

  • User events: personal events created by a user - viewable only by that user.
Note: Adding closing dates to assignments, forums, quizzes etc. will cause them to display in the Calendar block.

Adding an Event to a Calendar

1. On the Calendar block, click on the month name.

The Calendar editing page appears. 

2. Click on the New Event button.

The New Event editing page appears.

3. Type an event title in the Event title text box, and select the date and times.

4. Leave the default type of event set to Course so that learners can see it.

5. Click on Show more...

6. Type a description in the Description text box.

7. If necessary, set a Duration or end time.

8. If the event will be repeated over days or weeks, set this in the Repeat this event checkbox option.

9. Click on the Save button.

10. Return to the course homepage by clicking on the course breadcrumbs link.

11. The event appears on the Calendar block. Hovering over the

day on the Calendar reveals the event title.


Editing a Calendar Event

1. On the Calendar block, locate and click on the event to be edited. 

The event opens.

2. Click on the settings/editing icon. 

3. The Editing event page appears.

Make the change you want (in this case, changing the time). 

4. Click on the Save button to complete the edit.