Creating a Custom Template for the Avenue Course Builder
Margarita Berezyanskaya
Last Update 3 days ago
What is a course builder template?
Why create a custom template?
A custom template can be a time saver for instructors and support staff. Organizations using Avenue can have a custom template added to the Avenue Course Builder. A template can include localized content that is common to multiple courses in an organization, such as branding, documents and forms (e.g. waivers, attendance and other policies), web links, course content, local orientation information, etc. It can also include readymade content from the Avenue eUnit catalogue and course builder. Blocks can also be added to a template.
Multiple custom templates
Organizations can have several templates in the course builder, such as one each for Pre-CLB, CLB Stage 1 and CLB Stage 2 courses.
What is needed for an organization to develop a template?
Custom template development is the responsibility of each organization, but it does not require advanced editing skills. Anyone in Stage 3 of the training should be able to do this. It requires basic course editing skills. A template can be developed using any Avenue course.
Tips for Creating the Template
- Begin by requesting a new course from the Avenue Course Builder.
- Remember the Course Builder can only set up a new course when a minimum of two eUnits are selected from the Catalogue. These can be deleted after the course is set up.
- New courses require the selection of a template from the Course Options drop down list.
- Choose a template that is appropriate for the target level. It will provide activities and resources that can be used in a custom template. (Content that isn't needed can be deleted.)
- Blocks can be added or deleted in a template.
- The Avenue Help block is highly recommended in all templates. It provides in-course support for learners.
- New topics and eUnits can be added (or deleted) at any time.
Publishing a Template
- When you have a completed template, send an email to [email protected] requesting it be added to the Course Builder template dropdown menu. Include the name of the course and the URL in the email.
- The Avenue administrators will move the course and review the contents for possible glitches. They may also rename the course.
- The developer(s) will continue to have access to the course, even after it is renamed and moved.
- The developer(s) will be notified of any recommended changes.
- After a template is added to the Course Builder, the developer(s) will be notified of the name it appears as in the template drop down list.
- All templates (standard and custom) appear in the Course Options dropdown list and are accessible to all Avenue Course Builder users.
- Organizations should provide their instructors with specific instructions on how they should access custom Course Builder template.
- A template cannot be added to a course after it is created.
Editing the Template
- The template can be edited at any time, but remember any changes will only impact new courses. Courses set up with the original template will not change.
- Notify [email protected] if edits to a template course change the number of topics in the course, add new topics/eUnits or remove topics in the course.