Developing Content for the Avenue eUnit Catalogue

Margarita Berezyanskaya

Last Update 3 bulan yang lalu

Curriculum developers preparing content for the eUnit Catalogue/Course Builder should be familiar with the publishing process. This guide explains how to publish to the Catalogue, which includes:

  • A button to notify the Avenue administrator that an eUnit/module is ready to publish.

  • A 'preview' area, where developers can modify an eUnit in the Catalogue and Course Builder. This can be used, for example, to show/hide content when added to courses.

There is also a custom section for developers to add the information users see about an eUnit when they browse the eUnit Catalogue. Please refer to the Preparing Metadata for the Avenue eUnit Catalogue article for more information and instructions. 

What is a developer's course?

Developers' courses function the same as other courses when creating content. They are different from other courses because they have features to streamline publishing to the eUnit Catalogue/Course Builder. Here is a screenshot of an eUnit in a developer’s course.

The Request approval and Edit eUnit Preview buttons at the top of the Moodle section are only found in developers' courses. All sections in a developer's course have these buttons.

Request Approval Button

Clicking the Request approval button notifies the Avenue team that an eUnit is ready to be published to the eUnit Catalogue. The same button can also be used to let the team know that an eUnit has been updated and needs to be re-published in the catalogue. After clicking the button, the developer requesting approval will receive an email confirming the request was submitted.

After receiving the request, the Avenue team will check that the eUnit/module meets the minimum Catalogue specifications, (e.g. has all required metadata and is in one Moodle section). If approved, the new eUnit will be added to the catalogue. When an eUnit that already exists in the catalogue is approved, the older eUnit will be removed and updated one will replace it.

A second email will be sent to the developer confirming the approval request was accepted. An email will also be sent to the developer if the approval request was rejected. 

Edit eUnit Preview Button

The Edit eUnit Preview button is an optional feature for developers to use.

Note: The button is only functional after the Request approval is clicked and approved.
Clicking the Edit eUnit Preview button displays the Edit eUnit Preview panel with editing already turned on, as shown below. Developers use this panel to change the eUnit in the Catalogue, so it is different than the developers' version when added to courses by the Course Builder. For example, the contents of an eUnit can be hidden here, instead of in the development course. Changes to the eUnit are reflected immediately in the eUnit catalogue. Close the panel when the edits are completed. There is no need to save changes.


Do's and Don'ts for Preparing Content for the eUnit Catalogue

Please follow these do's and don'ts when developing content for the Avenue eUnit Catalogue.


  • Compile all of an eUnit or module contents in one Moodle topic or section.

  • Optimize image resolution and size for publishing to the web. Stock photos and other high-resolution images must be reduced in size.

  • Include "For Instructors" and "For Learners" labels and place relevant content under each one.

  • Number the activities in the learners' section for easier navigation.

  • Hide the "For Instructors" label and its contents, as well as assessment or skill using tasks. This prevents learners from having unplanned access to assessments, answer keys, etc. (Ideally, hide all content in the Edit eUnit Preview Panel, so the instructor can display content as needed.)

  • Use the Topic format in the Course format on a course Edit settings page.

  • Organize quiz questions into separate Question Bank category for each quiz.


  • Do not use blocks. Blocks cannot be added to courses by the Course Builder.

  • Do not use the General section, i.e. leave the section at the top of the course empty.

  • Do not link the .h5p files in H5P activities to the Content Bank. Copy the .h5p file to an H5P activity from the Content Bank or upload it to the activity settings page.