Resetting a Course

Margarita Berezyanskaya

Last Update één maand geleden

Resetting a course makes it easy for teachers to reuse the same course from one term to the next. The course reset can remove all student accounts and their associated data (e.g. forum postings,

gradebook scores), and reset a course back to its default position. All activities, resources, and course settings are retained (e.g. home page updates, new or edited activities, etc.); however, events added

to the calendar and postings to the Announcements forum are removed from the course. In fact, when resetting a course, teachers can select which course data they would and would not like retained.

Note: When starting a new session with the same course, teachers should not enroll new students until AFTER they have reset the course.

How to Reset a Course

1. Open your course, click on the Actions menu icon.

2. In the drop-down menu, click on Reset.

The Reset course page appears. On this page, you can see a list of all the settings and activities used for your course.

3. In the General section, choose the dates of the class cohort to be removed.

4. Consider checking most of the options even if they weren't used.

5. The Roles section provides the option to remove students from a course.

6. Choose Delete all grades to remove all student grades from the Gradebook.

7. If Groups were used in the course, choose Delete all groups.

8. If there are any Assignments on the course, choose Delete all submissions, Delete all user overrides and Delete all group overrides.

9. If Choices (polls) were used, select Remove all responses.

10. If Databases were used in the recent course, select Delete all entries to clear all data.

11. If any Forums were used, select Delete all posts.

12. When resetting Glossaries, be careful not to check Delete entries from all glossaries.

By checking Delete entries by users not enrolled, all course glossaries entered by students will be deleted.

13. If you had Lessons in your course, choose Delete all lesson attempts to remove all.

14. Choose Delete all quiz attempts to remove all quizzes.

15. Choose Delete all SCORM attempts to remove all SCORM results.

16. To remove all previous Wiki activity, click on all options. This will allow the new cohort to start with a clean Wiki.

17. To remove all Questionnaire results, click on Delete all questionnaire responses.

18. To remove all Workshop results, click on Delete all submissions.

Note: Deleting all submissions will automatically delete all assessments associated with those submissions.

19. Click the Reset course button.

A confirmation page appears. Review items on the screen.

20. Click the Continue button to complete the course reset.
