Adding a Description Question to the Quiz

Margarita Berezyanskaya

Last Update 9 dagen geleden

Description questions are not really questions. They include instructions, rubrics or other content to the activity. You can use them to add a reading passage, listening audio file, video or image, based on which the questions are designed.
Steps 1-9 below guide you through the process of creating a new quiz from scratch. If you already have a quiz and want to add Description items, click on your quiz name in the course. Then click on the Actions menu. Choose Description from the drop-down menu, and click on Create a new Question. Then go to step 10 below.

1. On your course, click the Turn editing on button.

2. In the topic where the link to the Quiz should appear, click on the Add an activity or resource link.

The Add a new activity or resource pop-up appears.

3. Select Quiz in the Activities tab.

The Add a new Quiz window appears.

4. Input a quiz name, for example "Super Foods".

5. Click on the Save and Display button.

6. The quiz editor informs that there are no questions associated with the quiz yet.

7. Click on the Edit quiz button.

8. To add a new quiz question, click on the Add link.

9. Choose + a new question from the drop-down list.

10. Choose Description.

11. Click on the Add button.

12. Choose the Category to which you want to add the question.

13. Type a Question name.

14. In the Question text textbox, add the content. In this example, we will add a reading passage. Copy and paste this text in the textbox.

"Did you know that there are special foods that help keep your body young? And did you know that many of these "super foods" come from Canada? No, they’re not potato chips and soda pop – they’re blueberries, cranberries and salmon.

Fresh and frozen blueberries are available year-round in grocery stores. Canadians enjoy blueberries fresh in fruit salad, but more often they eat their fruit in baked desserts and snacks like muffins and pies. The berries have a mild taste and a strong purple-blue colour. The chemicals that give the blueberry this dark colour are also very healthy; they protect the cells in our bodies against damage that comes with age. These chemicals (called antioxidants) protect important organs like our hearts, eyes and brains from aging, and they also fight cancer and other diseases. Blueberries contain more antioxidants than most other fruits and vegetables.

Another super food, the cranberry, comes from the same plant family, but it has different health benefits. In addition to being nutritious, cranberries protect the body against bladder and urinary tract infection. Cranberries are dark red and they taste very sour and bitter, so most Canadians drink their cranberries in sweetened juice.

Salmon are fish that live in the cold oceans off the east (Atlantic) and west (Pacific) coasts. Cold-water fish contain a type of fat called "omega-3 fatty acid". Omega-3 is not found in most foods, and it is very good for the heart and blood system. It helps prevent heart attack and stroke. Salmon is sometimes called "brain food" because the omega-3 fatty acids are also good for the fat in our brains. Red salmon is slightly healthier than pink, but it is also more expensive.

The next time you want to try some Canadian foods, forget about doughnuts and poutine! Try blueberries, cranberries and salmon for delicious Canadian flavours that will make you strong and healthy."

15. If you would like to give general feedback after the students respond to the question, type it in the General feedback textbox. 

Note: This is not feedback for correct or incorrect responses, but rather more information about the content of the question. You can add links, images, audio or video files here. This feedback will be the same for all students.

16. Assign an ID number to your question if you wish.

17. Click on the Tags section to expand it. 

Note: Here you should only use keywords or tags from the unit that enable you to search the question in the question bank later, and not tags used for the portfolio.

18. Click on the Save changes button.

19. The Description question is now added to your quiz. Scroll down the list of questions to see the new item on the Editing quiz: [quiz name] page.

20. Click on the Edit drop-down menu to Edit the question if needed, or Preview the item.

21. View the question in Preview mode.

