Assignment Submissions

Margarita Berezyanskaya

Last Update há um mês

1. On the course home page, click on an Assignment link.

2. The Assignment page opens, showing whether it is Hidden from students, the number of Participants, number of Submitted assignments, those that Need grading, Due date and Time remaining under the heading Grading summary

Click or tap on the View all submissions button to see a list of the

submissions, or click on the Grade button to begin grading the submissions.

3. To view more detail about the student submissions, click the View all submissions button below the Grading summary table.

The Grading page opens.

4. The Grading page shows a table that includes student photos, names and emails, the status of their assignments and spaces for feedback comments and grading. 

Columns can be hidden by clicking the minus icon under the heading name, and then shown again by clicking the plus icon.

5. To check the status of assignments that have been submitted by individual students, look under the Status heading in the table on the Grading page.

For each student who has submitted an assignment, the text Submitted for grading appears, highlighted in pale cyan.

6. Submissions recorded with the PoodLL voice recorder will appear as an audio file player under the Online PoodLL heading.

7. Assignments that have been submitted as online text will appear under the Online text heading.

8. To view an online text submission, click the magnifying glass icon above the submitted text under the Online text heading.

A new window appears, showing the assignment with any accompanying images or other media.

9. Click the Back button to return to the Assignment page.

10. To view a file submission, click the assignment name under the File submissions heading.

11.The file will be downloaded to your computer's default downloads folder.


12. To open the file, either click on the file name in the Downloads pop-up in your browser or manually locate the file in your downloads folder.

The file opens in MS Word or the appropriate program for the file type.

Locking and Unlocking Submissions and Granting Extensions

1. Select any of the students to download their work or modify their assignment settings. In the With selected... drop-down menu below the table, Lock submissions (the default setting) is used to block submissions, Unlock submissions is used to accept submissions, Download selected submissions is used to download particular submissions, and Grant Extension is used to allow special cases more time to complete an assignment.

2. To set any of these options, select the option and click on the Go button.

3. A dialogue box appears, asking to confirm the selection. Click OK

The table reappears, displaying Submission changes not allowed in the Status column for the selected student.

Grading Assignments

1. To grade an assignment, under the Grade heading of the student whose assignment is to be graded, click on the Grade button.

2. The Submission grading page appears, showing the user's picture, name and email address, and a pdf version of any file submissions (converted by Moodle) for marking in the left column. At the top of the right column, there is a drop-down menu and arrows to Change user

3. The Submission status underneath shows the submission recording/file(s)/text, and other information for the student whose assignment is to be graded.

Note: The grading page display can be changed with the screen display icons in the bottom right corner of the grading page. 

4. Read the online text, listen to the student's recording, and/or open and read the attached file. For an offline assignment, refer to the student's offline work.

5. Scroll down through the Submission section (right column) to assign a grade and give feedback.

6. If there is a file submission, there are two options for annotating it. The original Word document can be downloaded and marked up, and then uploaded as a Feedback File. Alternatively, the submitted file will have been converted to PDF and displayed in the Review panel, and the text mark-up tools can be used to give comments and feedback.

7. In the Feedback comments text box in the right column, type in the desired feedback, format the text and add images and other media if wished. 

8. Use the Feedback PoodLL recorder in the right column to upload spoken comments and feedback.

9. Click the Save changes button.

The Grade page appears again, showing the text The changes to the grade and feedback were saved.

10. Click the arrows in the top right corner or use the Change user drop-down menu to navigate to the next user for marking.

11. After marking, the grades will appear in the Gradebook.

Editing Grades

1. To edit a grade, go to the View all submissions page in the assignment.

2. In the Edit column, click on the Edit drop-down list in the learner's row.

3. Click Update grade.

The grading page appears.

4. Scroll down to the Grade section.

5. In the Grade out of 100 text box, type in the desired updated grade (including decimals if required).

Note: Below this text box the Current grade in gradebook is displayed.

6. Click the Save changes button.

7. The Grade page appears again, showing the text, the changes to the grade, and the feedback that were saved.
