Discussion Forums

Margarita Berezyanskaya

Last Update één maand geleden

Discussion forums can be a very effective way for course participants to interact outside of the classroom. These can be helpful to students as well as the instructor. The course instructors should moderate forums to keep the discussions focused, to answer any questions that may arise, and to make sure postings are appropriate and do not misinform. This help file explains how to participate in a forum discussion and how to edit or delete student postings. 

Students Adding a New Posting to a Forum 

1. Click on a discussion forum activity on your course page.

2. The forum discussion prompt is displayed. 

3. Click the Add a new discussion topic button.

The Add a new discussion topic window appears.

4. Type a subject for the posting in the text box next to Subject.

5. Type the message of the posting in the text box next to Message.

6. Click the Post to forum button. 

A message appears advising how long there is to edit the posting. The post continues to the forum page automatically.

Note: There is no time limit for a teacher to edit a posting; however, the posting will be emailed after the time limit expires.

Replying to a Forum Posting

1. Click on a discussion forum activity.

2. Open a forum posting by clicking on the subject in the Discussion column.

3. Click Reply in the lower right corner of the posting. Note the Display options drop-down at the top of the forum post.

4. The student types in their response to the forum post.

5. Click on the Submit button.

6. The 30-minute warning to edit message shows automatically.

The reply post appears indented below the original posting.

Editing and Deleting Postings

1. Click on a forum with student postings. 

2. Click on the post you’d like to edit.

Note: Teachers can see the links in the lower right corner of any forum post.

  • Edit – allows a teacher to change a student’s forum posting, e.g., correct any typo or misinformation.
  • Delete – this will permanently delete a posting. There is a prompt to confirm the posting will be deleted.

Viewing All Forum Postings for a Specific Student 

It is possible for teachers to view all of a particular student’s forum postings in the course on one page. If these blocks are not visible in a course, the teacher can add them selecting the Participants link in the Navigation drawer.

1. Click Participants in the Navigation drawer.

2. Locate and click the target student's name.

The student’s profile page appears. In the Miscellaneous section you will find the forum posts link.

  • Forum posts links to a page displaying all forum postings by the student that were replies to other student postings.

  • Forum discussions links to a page displaying all discussions started by the student.
