Deploying the Courseware

Margarita Berezyanskaya

Last Update één maand geleden

The following is a summary of the courseware delivery cycle, from set-up to post-delivery.

Set-up / Customize your Courseware

  1. Request your course (or reuse existing course).

  2. Make sure your course is set to "Show" so that students can see if after they login.

  3. Begin to manage courseware settings and content:

    a. Update the course settings (start date, visibility);

    b. Add a Page (or Label) with your contact information;

    c. Start re-arranging content in the courseware to align with your intended course delivery;

    d. 'Unhide' relevant courseware content for your first lesson/s.

  4. Post a welcome message to your students in the Announcements forum.

  5. * Use the "Switch role to…" function and view the page as a student before your first lesson.

  6. Plan your first lesson with students. Whether online or in a computer lab, this lesson should include:

    a. An introduction to the courseware in either online or blended learning;

    b. A demonstration of site navigation;

    c. Advice about using the Courseware Help block;

    d. Helping your students to log in;

    e. Helping your students to edit their profile to include their town, time zone, and perhaps description and courseware level (if needed);

    f. A chance to practice language using an activity they should enjoy and have success with (i.e., a SCORM or H5P activity).

Delivery of Courseware

  1. Deliver first lesson as planned in the previous section.

  2. Consider how you will use PBLA section/s.

  3. Continue to rearrange and 'unhide' content as your course progresses.

  4. Use courseware tools (Announcements, Calendar, etc.) for important course information.

  5. Facilitate communication and collaboration among students (i.e., by moderating the discussion forums, speaking tasks, wikis, etc.).

  6. If teaching in a blended format, blend the coursework with your classroom work. Include activities in the classroom that lead-in or follow up the online coursework.

  7. If teaching online only, consider how you can prime your students in a virtual environment so that they can be successful online.

  8. Consider adding or developing new activities or resources to make the courseware more relevant to your students' needs.

  9. Continue to administer your course by making content available and connecting with students.

  10. Near the end of your session, ask your students for feedback on their learning experience.

End of Session Options


If you customized your course and would like to re-use it in the future, use the backup function to create an archive of your course. Be sure to download the backup to your own computer.


If you want to re-use the same course for another session, you have TWO options: A or B.

A. Add New Students

Enroll new students into your course.


B. Reset Course

Resetting a course will remove ALL students (and student-specific information, like discussion forums and assignments) from the course. It will be "fresh" for you to start with new students.

Then enroll new or previous students into your course.