Filtering and Sorting Artifacts in the ePortfolio
Margarita Berezyanskaya
Last Update před 2 měsíci
The toolbar filters on the Avenue ePortfolio page restrict what is displayed. Artifacts can be filtered by language skill or by About Me or Other. The filters on the ePortfolio toolbar are shown in the red box below.
Click on a filter button to enable it. When selected, the button gets darker. Clicking on the filter a second time de-selects it. In the following example, the About Me filter has been selected, so only About Me artifacts would be displayed on the page.
More than one filter can be used at the same time. In the following screenshot, two filters have been applied to the page. In this example, only Listening and Speaking artifacts will be displayed on the My Portfolio page.
A single click on one of these two sort buttons will arrange the artifacts in ascending (alphabetical) order by their file name when the chevron points up.
A second click on the same button will arrange the artifacts in descending (reverse alphabetical) order when the chevron points down.
Clicking a third time will disable the button’s sort function.
Number of Artifacts
Use the drop-down menu next to the Course button to increase or decrease the number of artifacts on the page. Display options are 5, 10, 20, 50 or All.
Most Recent
Click the Most Recent button to sort the artifacts by the date they were added to the ePortfolio.
What is the difference between the Select Course… and the Course tools?
These tools have two different functions.
The Select Course… tool is a dropdown menu for teachers to view a student’s ePortfolio. Students do not have this menu. After selecting a course they teach, a second menu appears to select a student to display his/her ePortfolio.
For more information about this, see How to View a Learner’s ePortfolio at Avenue.
The Course button is for sorting artifacts by course. When a student’s ePortfolio is displayed, artifacts from all of his/her courses are displayed. Teachers (and students) can use this button to organize or sort artifacts by the course they are associated with.