How to Upload to a Learner's ePortfolio

Margarita Berezyanskaya

Last Update één maand geleden

1. Log in to the site or click Avenue in the top banner.

2. Click the Binder link in the main menu.

The My Portfolio page appears.

3. Click the Select Course... drop-down menu and choose a course.

4. Click the Select Student... drop-down menu and click on a student.

The student’s ePortfolio is displayed.

5. Click the upload button on the My Portfolio toolbar.

The Upload panel appears.

6. Use the Choose Related Artifact drop-down menu to select the name of the artifact that the uploaded file will be associated with. The uploaded file will be added to that artifact and can be accessed when the View button is clicked in the artifact thumbnail. If the uploaded file is not associated with an artifact, do not change the Choose Related Artifact drop-down menu. Leave it set to No Related Artifact.

If an artifact is selected, skip to Step 9. (Selecting a Course or Skill is not necessary.)

7. Select the course in the Choose Course drop-down menu.

If the uploaded file is not part of a course, leave it set to "No Associated Course".

8. Select the Skill (or Other or About Me) in the Choose Skill… drop-down menu.

9. Drag and drop the file onto the drop area in the panel OR click the Choose File button and navigate to the file on your computer and choose it. After dropping a file onto the panel or selecting it on your device, the file name will appear below the Choose File button.

Note: Only those file types listed above the Choose File button can be uploaded.

Allowed file types are .jpg, .png, .gif, .pdf, .doc(x), .xls(x), .ppt(x), .mp3, .ogg, .avi, .mp4, .mkv.

10. Click the Upload button at the bottom of the panel to upload the file.

A message will appear confirming that the file has been uploaded.

11. Click Choose Another File button to upload another file.

Note: If a file was first uploaded to a specific artifact and you don’t want to upload another file to that same artifact, change the selection in the Choose Related Artifact drop-down menu to a different artifact or to No Related Artifact.

12. Click the Close button when you are done.

The file(s) is uploaded and the artifact(s) Thumbnail appears in the learner’s My Portfolio page.