How to Preview Artifacts in an Avenue ePortfolio

Margarita Berezyanskaya

Last Update één maand geleden

1. Log in to

2. Click the Binder link in the main menu.

3. Navigate to a student's ePortfolio. Refer to How to View a Learner’s ePortfolio at if needed.

4. Click the Preview button on an artifact thumbnail to view an artifact in your browser.

If saved and uploaded as a pdf file, the artifact will display in the Artifact Preview panel of your web browser. If uploaded as a Microsoft document such as a MS-Word, PowerPoint or Excel file, the artifact will display as a thumbnail with a Download button in the Artifact Preview page. Click on this button to download and view the artifact. 

Audio and video files can be played by clicking on the audio or video icons on the bottom of the artifact without downloading them.

Viewing Multi-page Artifacts

Clicking on the Toggle Sidebar icon on an artifact will allow you to see the thumbnails for each page. 

If the artifact has more than one page, you can click on each thumbnail to go to a page. This saves time if you are looking for a certain page in a longer artifact. 

Viewing Multiple Submissions for an Activity

If learners have multiple submissions for an activity, you can view each submission by clicking on the number tabs at the bottom of the Artifact Preview page. 

In this example, there are four files in the artifact.

The first file is the learner’s Assignment that was submitted as online text. 

The second file is the learner’s submission with the instructor’s annotations. 

The third file is an uploaded Word document.

The fourth tab is a submitted pdf document. 

If there are additional submissions such as an audio or video recording, they will appear in these tabs as well. Click on the play button to view the video.