How to Edit Artifacts in an Avenue ePortfolio

Margarita Berezyanskaya

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Instructors can update some of the information in an artifact after it has been added to the ePortfolio. This pre-populated information includes the Artifact name, the Course it is associated with, the language Skill and the About Me or Other options. Instructors can also add more information about an artifact, such as the type of activity it is (Skill-using, Assessment, Self-assessment, or Other), its CLB level, the Competency area/Can Do Statement and whether or not the students’ attempt was successful. This additional information is used to populate the course Generated Artifact counter in the Class Register and the Learner Progress Summary report. 

Note: if an activity is Tagged using the Edit Settings menu, it will not be necessary to edit the artifact in the Binder to add it to the Generated Artifacts counter on the Class Register. However, to be counted in the Learner Progress Summary report, it will still be necessary to edit the skill, CLB level, competency area, activity type, and whether it meets PBLA requirements successfully or not in the artifact. 
Coming soon to Avenue: If an activity's ePortfolio Additional info. settings are completed in the learning management system (Classroom), it will not be necessary to edit each artifact for it to be added to the Learner Progress Summary report. It will still be necessary to edit individual artifacts to indicate that they successfully meet the PBLA requirement. The ePortfolio Additional info. settings feature will only apply to activities that support artifact auto collection, e.g. Quiz, Assignment, Forum, H5P, SCORM, Questionnaire and Feedback.

1. Go to the Avenue portal and click on Binder.

The My Portfolio page appears.

2. Select the course, student and skill(s) to view the available artifacts.

3. Click on the view icon to preview the artifact and its details. 

The Artifact Preview panel appears. It displays the artifact on the right side of the panel. Information about the artifact is displayed on the left side. Instructors can edit the information here. 

a. Instructors can type directly in the Artifact name text box to modify it.

b. Instructors use a dropdown menu to choose a Course. This menu lists all courses a teacher currently has with (editing) Teacher or Instructor (non-editing) roles.

c. The Activity Type setting uses radio buttons to change the task type. Other is selected by default. When either Skill-using task or Assessment or Self-assessment is selected, additional settings appear.

d. Under Target Competency, the Skill setting uses a dropdown menu to change this information. 

Note: If the Other option is selected from the Activity Type menu, the options will include the four language skills plus Other and About Me.

After selecting Assessment or Skill-using task, more editing options for an artifact will appear below Skill, CLB Level and Outcome.

4. Select the Skill

5. Select a level in the CLB Level dropdown menu, e.g. CLB 4.

After choosing a CLB level, the Can Do Statements for the selected Skill and CLB Level appear.

Note: Changing the Skill or CLB Level will automatically re-populate the Can Do Statements.

6. Select a Can Do Statement that is associated with the competency area of the Assessment/Self-assessment or Skill-using task

Note: The selected Can Do Statement is used by the Learner Progress Summary to tabulate the number of artifacts for that competency area, e.g. Interacting with Others, Speaking, CLB 4.

7. The Outcome section is used to indicate if the artifact successfully meets the requirement for that CLB competency. Instructors can click on the Successful button if the artifact is successful. Not Yet Successful is the default setting.

8. Click the Save button to save the updates to the artifact.

Artifacts that have been edited and saved as Skill-Using, Assessment and Self-Assessment tasks are added to a learner’s Learners Progress Summary. This report tracks artifacts by CLB level, skill, competency area and whether or not they were successful. See Learner Progress Summary for more information.