Set up a Mock Student Account

Margarita Berezyanskaya

Last Update vor 8 Tagen

Mock or sample student accounts, allow instructors to view the courseware from a student’s perspective. One important aspect of this perspective is to view how learning objects report data to the gradebook. There are two steps to setting up an account. The first is registering a mock student and the second is to enroll that student into your course.

You can use a secondary personal email address if you are interested in viewing forum posts, and other items that would be emailed to students during the courses. Otherwise, it may be a better option to use a New Language Solutions domain,, for a Fake email address.

Register a Mock Student

1. On the My Home page, locate your course.

2. Click on the Enroll a new student link.

3. In the Enroll Student pop-up, type in a personal or address. The prefix is up to you. reggie_jackson is used in the example below. 

4. Click on the Enroll button.

Note: The Enroll Student pop-up appears. The form must be completed to register a mock student. Also, the message "Account does not exist. Please provide additional details" appears. This is essential to move forward with registering your mock student.

5. Type a mock first name into the First Name textbox.

6. Type a mock last name into the Last Name textbox. 

7. Type a mock city name into the City textbox.

8. Set an appropriate Time Zone

9. Check appropriate Courseware Level(s)

10. Copy the mock student account Password.

11. Click on the Create Account button.

12. Click on the Close button and go to your course.

Note: The mock student is already enrolled in your course.