Tagging Activities for Avenue.ca ePortfolio Auto-Collection

Margarita Berezyanskaya

Last Update één maand geleden

The ePortfolio can collect artifacts automatically from some of the activities in the Avenue classroom/learning management system.

After a teacher links a course activity to the ePortfolio by 'tagging' it, an artifact will be generated and seamlessly added to the learners' ePortfolios. 

Only certain activity types support this. These activities were selected because they are commonly used for assessments. Support for more activity types may be added in the future. 

The activities that support automatic ePortfolio collection are:

1. Assignment

  • File submissions
  • Online text
  • PoodLL voice recordings
  • Teacher grade and feedback
  • Rubrics

2. Quiz

  • Teacher feedback
  • Re-grading will re-collect quiz attempt

3. Forum

  • Auto collects: Each Person Posts One Discussion, Q and A forum, Standard forum displayed in a blog-like format, Standard forum for general use
  • Does not auto collect: Single Simple Discussion

4. H5P


6. Questionnaire

7. Feedback

To tag the above activities for ePortfolio collection, follow the steps below.

1. Click on the Turn editing on button.

2. Click the Edit drop-down menu next to the activity and select Edit settings

The Edit settings page appears.

3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Tags to expand that section.

4. Click the Enter tags… drop down menu. 

5. Select ePortfolio in the dropdown menu.

The tag is added and appears above the text box.

A second tag must be selected to identify the type of artifact being collected. Choose one: Reading, Writing, Speaking or Listening. Other or About Me can also be used. Do not add a third tag as it will be ignored by the auto collection.

6. Click on the Enter Tags… text box and select a second tag, e.g. Listening.

The tag is added and appears above the text box.

The activity has been properly tagged and can be saved. (Clicking x will delete the tag if it needs to be removed.)

7. Click the Save and return to course button.

The activity has been tagged and artifacts from this activity will be automatically collected by the Avenue ePortfolio.