Adding a Database Activity to a Course

Margarita Berezyanskaya

Last Update há um mês

1. On your course, click the Turn editing on button.

2. Click the Add an activity or resource link in the appropriate topic.

The Add an activity or resource pop-up appears.

3. Select Database in the Activities tab.

The Adding a new Database window appears.

The General section is used to enter descriptive information about the activity.

4. Type a descriptive name for your Database in the Name text box. Click the Show/hide advanced buttons icon in the Description text box to display the text editor toolbar if needed.

5. Type a description or special instructions for the students in the Description field.

6. Do not select Display the description on the course page. Students will see this information when they click the Database link.

Teachers can control how the Database works by changing the settings found in each of the topics located below the General settings. They can expand either all the topics by clicking the Expand all link above and to the right of the General section or expand one section at a time.

7. The Entries section allows teachers to decide if the Database entries will require Approval before being seen by other users in the course and whether or not to Allow comments on entries. Choose Yes if you want the entries to remain private and only accessible to each student and the teacher. Teachers can also choose to set a number of Entries required before viewing, and a Maximum number of entries allowed by each student. These settings can be very useful if you are using Activity completion to encourage participation, or to limit how many entries a student can add to the Database.

8. The Availability section allows teachers to choose date ranges for the Database activity with the following options: Available from, Available to, Read only from, and Read only to. Click on the checkbox to Enable the Availability options and then choose a date with the drop-down menus, or use the calendar icon to help select the dates.

9. The Ratings section allows teachers to set up aggregated scales and restrictions.

  • The Roles with permission to rate indicates who can rate entries. This can be changed using the Permission link in the Database activity administration section of the Administration block.

  • The options in the Aggregate type setting are used to specify how the grade book score is calculated. Options include the Average of ratings, the Count (number) of ratings, the Maximum rating, the Minimum rating or the Sum of the ratings. There will not be a score in the grade book if No ratings is selected.

  • When the Aggregate type is selected, the Scale options appear. The Scale setting specifies the Maximum grade for the rating.

  • The Restrict rating to items with dates in this range setting indicates when the ratings for the entries start and finish using the From and To options.

10. The Appearance section allows teachers to show or hide the user's picture, as well as set the number of decimal places in grades and in questions.

11. Settings in the Common module section are common to many Moodle activities and resources.

12. The Availability setting is used to Show/Hide the activity. This is identical to using the Show/Hide icons when the Turn editing on function is enabled on a course home page.

13. The ID Number setting sets an ID number for advanced use of the grade book. (This is not used in the LINC courseware.)

14. The Group mode setting enables the use of groups. (More information is available in the Organizing Learners Using Groups article.)

15. The Grouping option enables the use of groupings (a collection of groups).

Settings in the Restrict access section can be used to limit access to the activity. (More information is available in the Setting up and Using Restrict Access Settings article.)

16. Click on the Add restriction... button to display the Add restriction pop-up.

17. Settings in the Activity completion section are used to set completion tracking, grading options and the expected completion date. (More information is available in the Setting Up and Using Completion Tracking article.)

The Tags sections can be used to add keywords to the assignment.

18. Click on the Save and display button to save/update the activity or click the Save and return to course button.

19. A database activity appears as shown here.