Messaging Drawer

Margarita Berezyanskaya

Last Update há um mês

Messaging learners, other instructors and administrators can be achieved through the Messaging Drawer. Avenue messages can also be organized for personal preferences in the Messaging Drawer

Using the Messaging Drawer

At the top of your Avenue course is a banner. The icon that looks like a comic bubble is the Messaging Drawer icon. In the example below, there is a number above the icon. This notifies the user that there are two unread messages.

1. On your Avenue course banner, click on the Messaging Drawer icon.

2. The Messaging Drawer appears.

3. There are three message groupings:

  • Starred or important messages.

  • Group for collaborative projects/teams.

  • Private for personal messages.

Note: The See all link at the bottom of the Messaging Drawer expands the Messaging Drawer to a full screen. To leave the full screen, select an item in the Navigation Drawer

4. To access message groupings, click on the corresponding arrow icon.

5. Click on the Starred option.

6. In this example, there is only one Starred (important) message

7. To read the full message, click on the arrow icon under the date sent.

8. Each message displays information. Displayed messages also provide a response editor.

Note: Avenue users receive direct messages and some automatic course notifications in the Messaging Drawer. Below are examples of a course message on the left and an individual message on the right. They appear vertically not horizontal as this example shows. 

9. To return to the Messaging Drawer menu, click on the arrow icon beside the sender's name.

10. There are no Group messages in this example.

11. There are six Private messages, two of which have not been opened.

12. Expand the Private messages by clicking on the arrow beside Private (6).

Note: The messages appear in order of date sent/received.

13. Click on an unread message

14. The message appears as shown below. 

15. To reply to the message, click in the Write a message… text box. 

16. Type a response. Add an emoji, and then click on the Send icon.

Note: The message appears in both the sender and the receiver’s message drawers. 

17. At the top of the Message drawer, click on the More icon. 

18. Several options appear related to the other user. 

19. Selecting the User info option displays the User’s name, avatar and two functions.

20. At this point, the user can be blocked or added to your Avenue


21. Selecting the Star conversation option moves the conversation into the Starred grouping. This is used to indicate that the conversation is important. The conversation can be Unstarred as well.

22. Another way to directly block a user from messaging your Avenue account is to choose the Block User option.

23. Selecting the Mute option stops email notifications of new messages to your Avenue account. The messages arrive but you are no longer notified of messages from this user.

24. Choosing the Delete conversation option removes the conversation from your Messaging Drawer. 

Messaging Settings

1. At the top of the Messaging Drawer, click on the Actions menu icon. 

2. The Messaging Drawer Settings panel appears.

3. In the Privacy setting, you must choose whether only your contacts can message you or your contacts and anyone registered in your courses.

4. In the Notifications preferences setting, users can choose to have Avenue message email notifications sent to their email accounts.

5. In the General setting, users can have more control of their messages by turning off Use enter to send.

6. Click on the left-pointing arrow beside the Settings panel title.

7. Click on the Contacts icon.

8. Your Avenue contacts are listed.

9. Clicking on the Requests link shows other Avenue users who are asking to be your contact.

10. To look for new contacts, click on the Search icon.

11. Clicking on a contact shows the messages that you have shared. (See Maria Guptez below.)