Participants Page / Messaging Students

Margarita Berezyanskaya

Last Update hace un mes

The Participants link in the Navigation Drawer opens a dashboard that displays instructor and student information and a set of functionalities to improve communication and organization on a course.

The Participants page offers sorting options for quickly locating or ordering students in a list and accessing information about each student. Instructors and students can use it to send messages (and emails) to selected course participants. The following image is a sample Participants page student view.

This is the instructors view the Participants page with editing features active.

Accessing the Participants Page

1. On your course, ensure that the Navigation drawer is expanded.

2. In the Navigation drawer, click on the Participants link.


The Participants page appears.

Sorting People in a Course

The participants list in the images above are sorted by First name. This is indicated by the upward pointing arrow near First name

Note: The course participants order is ascending (A to Z) in this image.

1. To change the list order, click on First name.

2. The people are now in descending order (Z to A). The downward arrowhead indicates this.

3. When you click on Last access to course, the list is sorted in descending order starting with the most recent person to be on the course. 

Note: Participants can be reordered by First name, Surname, Email address and Last access to course. 

Sending Course Messages to Course Participants 

1. On the Participants page, select the recipient(s) of the messages.

2. Select Send a message in the With selected users... drop-down menu.

3. Write your message.

4. Click the Send message button.

The message is sent and if students have their Messages settings set up to Notification preferences, Email, On, they will receive the message by email when they are offline.

5. Receivers of the message need to click on their Message Drawer icon.

6. Then they click on the Message preview in the Message Drawer.

7. The full message appears.

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