Setting up a Checklist with Automatic Items

Margarita Berezyanskaya

Last Update één maand geleden

The Checklist feature allows learners or instructors to check boxes in a to-do task list. These check boxes allow a learner to see which activities he/she has and hasn't completed. Instructors decide which activities or resources are included in the list and use variable settings that enhance the capabilities of the checklist. There can be multiple Checklists on a course. This document shows instructors how to set up automated checklist items in an Avenue checklist. 

Using a Checklist with Automatic Checklist Items (Quick Steps)

1. A student completes an activity or views a resource.

2. The learner opens the checklist from a checklist block or on the course main menu.

3. The learner sees the activity that is has recently been automatically checked.

Overview: Setting up an Automatically Checklist Steps

  1. Ensure that activities and resources are visible to students.
  2. Turn Completion tracking on for resources and activities in the checklist.
  3. Create a Checklist.
  4. Ensure that the Updates by setting section is set to Student only or Student and Teacher.

Linking Checklist Items through Completion Tracking

Note: Each checklist item that is to be automated, must have Completion tracking turned on. 

1. On your course, click the Actions menu icon.

2. Click on the Edit settings option in the drop-down menu. 

Note: The Edit course settings page appears.

3. Scroll down to the Completion tracking section, click on it.

4. To turn on course Completion tracking, set Completion tracking to Yes.

5. Click on the Save and Display button.

6. Click on the Turn editing on button.

7. Locate an activity or resource on your course.

Note: It must be included in the checklist. 

8. Click on the Edit link.

9. In the drop-down menu that appears, click on the Edit settings option.

Note: The Updating resource/activity page appears.

10. Scroll down and click on the Activity completion section link.

Note: The Completion tracking option appears.

11. There are three Completion tracking options.

12. To set Completion tracking to automatic, choose the Show activity as complete when conditions are met option.

13. Check an appropriate option.

Note: At this point, different activity types may display different options. For example, a SCORM activity provides choice for a passing minimum score.

14. Click on the Save and Return to Course button. 

Note: The activities with this setting will automatically check themselves in the Checklist.

Setting up a Course Checklist with Automatic Items

1. On your course, click the Turn editing on button.

2. In the topic where the Checklist should appear, click on Add an activity or resource.

Note: The Add a new activity or resource pop-up appears

3. Select the Checklist icon in the Activities pop-up.

Note: The Adding a new Checklist page appears.

4. In the General section, add a Checklist title and type an Introduction to the Checklist.

5. To display this Introduction on the course main page, check the Display description on course page box under the Introduction box.

Note: In the Settings section, there are several options.

6. In the User can add their own items drop-down, choose either Yes or No

Note: This may be useful for advanced LINC levels but impractical for lower levels.

7. In the Updates by drop-down, choose between Student only or Student and Teacher to ensure that the automatic updates will occur on a checklist. As with automatic updates the check occurs when a student completes an action.

8. In the Add due dates to calendar drop-down, choose either Yes or No.

Note: This may be useful if a course has activities that have firm deadlines.

9. In the Teachers can add comments drop-down, choose either Yes or No.

Note: This may be useful if an instructor feels that feedback is effective through the Checklist.

10. Set the Maximum grade in the Maximum grade textbox.

Note: If you want to make the checklist ungraded, as the individual activities will already be assessed, set this value to zero (0).

11. In the Email when checklist is complete: drop-down, choose No, Student only, Teacher only or Student and Teacher.

12. In the Show course modules in checklist drop-down, options available are:

  • No: The instructor must select checklist items manually. (For automatic - do not select)
  • Current section: This will automatically list all of the resources and activities in the current module. Please be aware that hidden items will not be seen by the learners. This is a fast way to create a checklist.
  • Whole course: This will automatically list all of the resources and activities in the course into the checklist. Please be aware that hidden items will not be seen by the learners. This is a fast but unreasonable way to create your checklist as there will be too many items. The list will be unmanageable for learners and instructors. 

Note: If the Show course modules in checklist drop-down is set to Current section or Whole course, then the Check-off when modules complete field becomes active. 

13. The checklist is set to automatic checking by setting the Check-off when modules complete to Yes, can override or Yes, cannot override. (Do not select No.)

14. In the Lock teacher marks drop-down, choose either Yes.

Note: The grade is Locked after the instructor chooses Yes in the View Progress tab.
Note: Settings in the Common module section are common to many Moodle activities and resources.

15. The Availability setting is used to Show/Hide the activity. This is identical to using the Show/Hide icons when the Turn editing on function is enabled on a course home page.

16. The ID Number setting sets an ID number for advanced use of the grade book. (This is not used in the LINC courseware.)

17. The Group mode setting enables the use of groups. (More information is available in Organizing Learners Using Groups.)

18. The Grouping option enables the use of groupings (a collection of groups).

Settings in the Restrict access section can be used to limit access to the activity. (More information is available in Setting up and Using Restrict Access Settings.)

19. Click on the Add restriction... button to display the Add restriction pop-up.

Note: The Tags section can be used to add keywords to the checklist. There are Binder/ePortfolio tags available in the Tags drop-down menu. 

20. Click on the Save and display button to continue making your checklist.

Editing Up an Automatic Checklist in a Course

Note: The Checklist appears with the Preview tab active. 

1. To edit your checklist, click on the Edit Checklist tab.

Note: The visible module items are visible.

Note: Each checklist item may appear with these icons. 

2. To hide or show a checklist item, click on the Show/Hide (eyeball) icon.

3. If you need to add a new item in the checklist, consider if you need a due date.

a. (optional) If you want to include due dates for your checklist items, click the Edit dates button.

Note: A Calendar widget appears beside the URL of new checklist items.

b. (optional) If you wish to set the date, uncheck the Disable checkbox beside the Calendar widget.

c. (optional) If you want to include dates for your checklist items, choose a due date day, month and year

4. To continue adding a new item to the checklist, choose the Insert new item after this one icon beside the row that the new item will appear under.

5. Click in the Add textbox.

6. Type the label/name of your checkbox item.

7. Click in the Link to textbox.

8. Paste the web address into the Link to textbox.

9. (optional) Check the Open in new window? checkbox, if a new window may help the learners find the activity or resource.

Note: To acquire the web link to Avenue activities and resources, click on the resource or link and then copy the address in the address bar.

10. Click on the Add button.

11. Click on the Stop editing dates button. 

Note: The new checklist item appears in the list.

12. Return to the course using the breadcrumbs menu.

13. Locate the Checklist in the course.

Viewing Student Progress

1. Click on the View Progress tab.

Note: In this example, there has been no activity. 

2. After the learners have completed and checked activities, these are shown as green blocks.

Note: If the Updates by setting is Student and Teacher, the Show progress requires the teacher to confirm the completion of an activity by checking beside each learner’s item.

3. The teacher clicks on the Edit checks tab to confirm completion.

4. In each item there is a Yes or No drop-down menu. Instructors can choose each one individually or they can click on a Toggle Column/Row button to set all items in a column/row to Yes or No or Null

Note: After an instructor sets these drop-downs to Yes, the checklist appears with all of the items checked in the checklist. 

5. Click on the Save button. 

6. For another view, click on the Show progress bars button.

7. To see more detail about an individual student, click on the View Progress icon.

Note: Details about a learner’s progress on the checklist are displayed.

8. To add a comment to this student’s checklist, click on the Add comments button.

Note: This feature may not be functional at this time.

9. The Toggle names and dates button, quickly switches between student information and the teacher’s information. 

Note: See image above. Text with green highlighting shows and hides.

The Student Checklist Experience (Automatic Updating)

1. Students complete activities and resources in a course.

2. On the course a student locates a Checklist in the topics area or in a Checklist block. (See more in Setting up a Checklist block.) 

3. The student clicks on the Checklist link. 

Note: The Checklist screen appears.

Note: If Updates by is set to Student and teacher, then two check boxes appear. 

4. To continue, the student looks downward and can click on the jump to activity or resource link icon.
