Student View of the Journal Activity

Margarita Berezyanskaya

Last Update un mese fa

You may find Journal activities in your course. All Journals have this icon. 

You can complete Journal activities by typing your answer into a text box.

Complete a Journal Activity

1. Click on the Journal activity.

The activity appears.

2. Read the Journal instructions.

3. Click on the Start or edit my journal entry button.

The text entry page appears.

4. Type your answer into the Entry textbox. 

5. Click on the Save Changes button.

The Journal activity appears again, with your entry below the Start or edit my journal entry button.

You can edit your entry or return to your course main page. You can also edit your entry later.

6. After your teacher checks your entry, return to the activity. Your teacher may have given you feedback and a grade. They will appear at the bottom of the screen.