Using a SCORM

Margarita Berezyanskaya

Last Update a month ago

A SCORM is a collection of activities that helps you practice your reading, writing and listening skills on a computer. SCORMs can be found when you are learning something online. This word – SCORM – is only used for learning on a computer. Students will not have to use it outside of their course.

You will find SCORM activities in your course. All SCORM activities have this icon.

Many of the activities work similarly. They are easy to use, and have a list of the activities at the top. If you are not sure how to complete an activity, read the instructions or ask your teacher.

If there is more than one question in an activity, move to the next question by clicking the arrow button.

When all questions are complete, click the Check button to receive your score.


You will receive a score at the end of each activity. 

You will lose marks for incorrect answers or asking the computer for help.

You can review the activity again or even repeat it. Note that your score will show the average of your attempts if you retake it.

After you receive your score, click the OK button. 

When you are ready, choose the next activity from the list.

When you finish all of the activities in a SCORM, it is important to click the Exit Activity link at the top corner of the SCORM page.


Your score will be saved in the Gradebook.

You can check your grade in the Grades section in the Navigation Drawer.


Types of SCORMs

The SCORM activities may include reading or listening tasks. Some will involve typing.

Using the Audio Player

Listening tasks will show an audio player with:

  • a play /pause button

  • the time and time length of the audio clip

  • a volume/mute button, and

  • a download option

To play, click the triangle button. 

To pause, click the pause button. It will appear once an audio clip is playing.

When playing, the time will count forward. This example shows that the audio clip is at the 42 second mark of the 1 minute and 12 seconds clip.

You can quickly move forward or backward in the audio clip by clicking and dragging along the time progress line. Move to the left to move backward in the audio, and move to the right to move forward. This is called scrubbing.

You can mute the volume by clicking (or tapping) on the speaker icon.

Click and drag the volume meter to the left to reduce the volume, or to the right to raise the volume. 

Click on the three dots if you want to download the clip. 



Listening and reading activity, with space to type answers. Multiple questions

Reading activity with sentence order

 Reading activity with matching 

Reading activity with paragraph reconstruction

Reading activity with multiple questions

Listening activity with sentence reconstruction

Listening activity with true/false and other questions

Crossword activity