Using Reports

Margarita Berezyanskaya

Last Update sebulan yang lalu

Activity reports can be used to track learner progress and content usage in a course. Reports can be accessed from the Actions menu and clicking on the More... link. These reports allow instructors to view course Logs, Live Logs, Activity report, Course participation and Activity completion.



Using Logs can help create reports with detailed information about course participants and content. It is possible to view the pages a learner accessed, the time and date they accessed them, the IP address they are working from, and their actions, such as view, add, update and delete.

Note: The IP address link provides an estimate of the learner's location.

The logs can be displayed on a page or downloaded in text, ODS or Excel format.

To generate a log, select any combination of group, participant, date, activity, actions, sources or events. If you wish to display or download the report, click the Get these logs button.

The Log Report page contains active links enabling access to a learner's profile page or a particular page that the learner was viewing.

Live Logs

Using Live logs, a page with the current activity by all users is displayed, again, with the pages a learner accessed, the time and date they were accessed, the IP address they were working from, and their actions such as view, add, update and delete. There is also a button to Pause live updates.


Activity Report

An Activity report displays all activity in the course, sorted by topic in sequential order. Each item is shown with its type and name. Teachers have the choice to view the Activity report during a period of time by clicking on Filter and enabling the From and To dates.

The list of Activities, number of Views and Last access date are available.


Course Participation

The Course participation report shows all actions for specific activities and resources on your course up to 12 months before the present time. The report can be filtered by role, so it is possible to view only what course participants have been doing collectively.


Sending reminders to learners to complete online activities

One useful feature of the Course participation report is that it allows messages to be sent to learners who have not completed an activity. To do this:

1. Navigate to Course participation by selecting Reports in the Administration block or by clicking on the More... link in the Actions menu.

2. Select an Activity and set other desired filters.

3. Click the Go button to see a list of participants and whether they have been active in the course.

4. Click the Select all 'No' button below the list of learners.

The check boxes are selected next to all learners where No appears in the All actions column next to their names.

5. Choose Send a message in the With selected users... drop-down menu and click the OK button.

A pop-up window appears where the teacher composes a message and sends it to the selected participants.

The message will be sent using the internal Moodle messaging system and if learners have their messaging preference set up to receive email messages when they are offline, they may also receive the message by email.

Activity Completion

Click on Activity completion to view a list of students and the activities they have completed. In the image below, none of the students have completed their activities yet; therefore none of the boxes are checked.

If the teacher wishes to manually change the completion state of any of the activities for any student, they can check the box, and click on Save changes in the Confirm pop-up.

The selected activities for each student can be checked one activity at a time.

Teachers can then save the Activity completion table on their computers in either spreadsheet or Excel-compatible formats.


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