Adding an H5P Question Set Activity

Margarita Berezyanskaya

Last Update 20 hari yang lalu

The process to create an H5P using the Content bank starts with opening the Content bank, creating the H5P and then linking the H5P to your course.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Adding a Question Set H5P Activity

1. In the Navigation Drawer, click on the Content bank link.

The course Content bank appears.

2. Click on the Add button.

3. In the drop-down menu, scroll down the list.

4. Click on the Question Set item.

The H5P editing screen appears.

5. In the Title textbox, type Immigration Looking for a Job.
Note: This title is used as a tag for future searches.

6. Expand the Quiz introduction.

7. Check Display introduction.

8. In the Introduction text textbox, type "After reading the lesson on Getting a Job, complete the following questions. When you finished click on the Check button to see your score."

9. In the Start button text textbox, leave the default Start Quiz.10. If a background image is required, click on the Background image Add button (in this activity we will not be adding a background image).

Below the Display introduction section, three options appear.

11. If a background image is required, click on the Background image Add button (in this activity we will not be adding a background image).

12. Choose Dots as the Progress indicator.

13. Set the Pass percentage to 70 (the default is 50).

14. In the Questions section, click on the textbox below Question type* Library for this question.

Eight question types are available:

  • Multiple Choice

  • Drag and Drop

  • Fill in the Blanks

  • Mark the Words

  • Drag the Words

  • True/False Question

  • Essay

  • Image Choice

Create Multiple Choice Question


1. In the Questions section 1. -, click on the Question type drop-down menu.

2. Click on the option Multiple Choice.

3. In the Title textbox type, Question 1. This appears on the summary screen at the end of the quiz.

4. In the Question field, type "Which of the following are aspects of the job search process?"

Note: The default text size is Normal.

5. In the first Option textbox, type "Researching information about specific occupations".

6. Check the Correct checkbox.

7. In the second Option text box, type "Understanding job postings".

8. Check the Correct checkbox.

9. Click on the Add Option button.

10. In the third Option textbox, type "Filling out application forms".

11. Check the Correct checkbox.

12. Click on the Add Option button.

13. In the fourth Option textbox, type "Networking".

14. Check the Correct checkbox.

15. Click on the Add Option button.

16. In the fifth Option textbox, type "Renting a car".

17. Do not check the Correct checkbox.

18. Scroll down and click on the Behavioral settings drop-down.

19. Ensure Question Type is set to Multiple Choice (Checkboxes).

20. Ensure that Randomize answers is checked.

21. Scroll upwards and locate the + Add Question button.


22. Click on the + Add Question button.

Create a True/False Question

1. In 2. , click on the Question type drop-down menu.

2. Click on the option True/False Question.

3. In the Title textbox, type Question 2.

4. In the Question field, type "Most available jobs are not advertised".
Note: The default text size is Normal.

5. Select True as the Correct Answer.

6. Scroll upwards, locate the + Add Question button.

7. Click on the + Add Question button.

Create a Drag the Words Question

1. In 3. , click on the Question type drop-down menu.

2. Click on the option Drag the Words.

3. In the Title textbox, type Question 3.

4. In the Task description field, leave the default, Drag the words into the correct boxes.

Note: The default text size is Normal.

5. In the Text textbox, type or paste: 

Work Habits

*Working Safely*

Working in a manner that prevents injury to self and others

Reporting unsafe conditions

Participating in health and safety training, as required

Using and wearing all required protective equipment and devices


Working willingly with others

Showing respect for the ideas and opinions of others

Taking responsibility for his or her share of the work

Contributing to the team effort by sharing information, resources, and expertise


Being punctual

Following directions

Giving attention to detail

Using time effectively and producing work on time

Acting in accordance with health and safety practices

6. Scroll downwards.

7. Click on the Save button.

The question appears in preview mode in the Content bank.

8. Try the question.

10. If the question is acceptable, click on the Close button.

The content bank appears. Note the question is in the list.

11. Return to the course main page but selecting the course short name in the breadcrumbs menu.

12. Once on the course main page, click the Turn editing on button.

13. Click the Add an activity or resource link in the appropriate topic.

The Add an activity or resource pop-up appears.

14. Select H5P in the Activities tab.

The Adding a new H5P page appears.

15. In the Name textbox, type "Immigration Looking for a Job".

16. In the Package file area, click on the Add... (file) icon.

The File picker opens.

17. In the left column, choose the Content bank option.

18. Choose the appropriate H5P file.

The Select pop-up appears.

19. Choose either Link to the file - when the original content is updated every duplicate will change also, or Make a copy of the file - when the copy is updated it will not change the original.

20. Change the file name if required in the Save as field.

Note: Moodle generates a unique name for each H5P object.

21. Ensure the Author's name is accurate.

22. Select a license in the Choose a licence drop-down.

23. Click on the Select this file button.

24. Click on the Save and Return to course button.

25. Click on the Turn editing off button.

26. Note the file appears as pictured here on the course main page.


Click on this link to see the example: Quiz (Question Set).

H5P Question Set Optional Settings

There are two ways to enhance an H5P learning object in your courseware:

  • in the H5P editing window;

  • in the Moodle options section.

The sections below, H5P Learning Object Options and H5P Learning Object Moodle Options, detail how an instructor can customize how the H5P learning object interacts with learners and reports results to the courseware.

Be aware that the H5P Behavioural settings and Text overrides and translations differ between H5P tools.

H5P Learning Object Options

1. In the Navigation Drawer, click on the Content bank link.

The course Content bank appears.

2. Choose name of the H5P in the Content name column.

3. Click on the Edit button.

4. Below each question click on the Behavioural settings link.

5. Refer to the individual question types in the H5P articles.

6. Under all of the questions in the Question Set, three options appear.

If the Disable backwards navigation option is checked, learners cannot return to previous questions.

If the Randomize questions option is checked, the questions will appear in a different order. This is useful if students are in proximity.

If a number is entered into the Number of questions to be shown option, that number of questions from the total list of questions is drawn in the Question Set. It is a question pool technique.

7. Expand the Finished section.

8. If the Display results box is not checked, the message in the No results message will appears to the learner.

9. Button labels can be changed from the default shown here.

10. Leave the Skip video label as it is.

11. Scroll down to the next section, Settings for "Check", "Show solution" and "Retry". The instructor can customize feedback by selecting Enable or Disable button features in the Override "Show Solution" button drop down.

Use the Override "Retry" button options to enable or disable the Retry button for all questions.

12. In the next section, Text overrides and translations, the instructor can customize feedback by changing the wording to accommodate linguistic levels or translating feedback into another language.

Note: For example, if the target students are French speaking, the terms (e.g. Next = suivante (feminine)) in the H5P can be changed here.

13. Click on the Save button.

14. Click on the Close button.

H5P Learning Object Moodle Options

1. In the course main menu, click on the H5P link.

2. Click on the Actions menu, and then click on Edit settings.

3. Scroll down the screen, expand the H5P options link.

Note: As of September, 2020 this does not appear when using the Content Bank. It does appear when the H5P is used independently or using the Interactive Content H5P mode.

Allow Download displays the Reuse link on an H5P. This allows other users permission to download the H5P file and upload it to their courses.

The Embed button provides the embed code to use in other activities in the same course, for example in a Moodle Page or a Book activity.

The Copyright button option inserts a copyright link on the H5P for users to view copyright information about the H5P activity.

4. Click on the Grade drop-down option.

5. Set the Grade Type to Point (numeric), or Scale.

If Point is chosen you must set a Maximum grade.

If Scale is chosen, you must select a Scale.

6. A Grade category can be selected, if grade categories are set up for this course.

7. The Grade to pass should be set here if the H5P grade is set on Point or Scale.

8. In the Attempt options section, enables H5P tools that have advanced tracking features to report activity to your course. To do this, set the Enable attempt tracking to Yes.

9. Use the Grading method drop-down menu to choose the grading calculation for the H5P activity. Options include: Highest Grade, Average grade, Last attempt, First attempt, or Don’t calculate a grade.

Settings in the Common module section are common to many Moodle activities and resources.

10. The Availability setting is used to Show/Hide the activity. This is identical to using the Show/Hide icons when the Turn editing on function is enabled on a course home page.

11. The ID Number setting sets an ID number for advanced use of the grade book. (This is not used in the LINC courseware.)

12. The Group mode setting enables the use of groups. (More information is available in the Organizing Learners Using Groups article.)

13. Settings in the Restrict access section can be used to limit access to the activity. (More information is available in the Setting up and Using Restrict Access Settings article.)

14. Click on the Add restriction... button to display the Add restriction pop-up.


15. Settings in the Activity completion section are used to set Completion tracking, grading options and the expected completion date. (More information is available in the Setting Up and Using Completion Tracking article.)

The Tags sections can be used to add keywords to the assignment.

Note: Tagging an activity will generate an artifact that is seamlessly added to the learners' ePortfolios. See Tagging Activities for ePortfolio Auto-Collection for more information about tagging and the auto collection of artifacts for the learner's ePortfolios.

16. Click on the Save and display button to save/update the activity or click the Save and return to course button.