Looking up an Instructor's Training Enrolments and Mentor for SPO Managers

Margarita Berezyanskaya

Last Update 2 months ago

As a program manager, you can access to all of your organization's courses on Avenue. In addition to accessing courses, SPO Managers can view their instructors' Avenue-LearnIT2teach training course enrollments. 

Note: This does not give SPO Managers access to their course data. It only provides the names of the courses they are enrolled in.

SPO Managers can also view the name of their instructors' mentor.

Information about all participants' activity in language training courses, including instructors, is also available to SPO Managers. (Refer to the Profile Page Reports article for more information about viewing online activity.)

An instructor's profile page provides access to all of this information. This page can be found by navigating to an instructor's Avenue course, displaying the course Participants page, and then clicking on the teacher's name. 

Accessing Instructor's Courses

After being assigned the SPO Manager role, there are several ways to display your instructors' courses.

The easiest and most direct way is to ask the teacher to send you the URL of his/her course page. After clicking on this link and logging in to avenue.ca, the course will be displayed.

If you received the link to your organization's LINC or ESL course subcategory from the Avenue team, you can use it to access the courses. After clicking this link, you can browse a list of courses. Clicking on a course name in that list will display that course. There is also a search box to search by course name. You will, of course, need the name of the course using this method.

If you don't have the URL to the subcategory, see the Navigating to a Course from the Avenue Dashboard article.  

Displaying an Instructor's Profile from a Course Page

After displaying a course page, click on the Participants link in the Navigation Drawer.

The Participants page appears.

Locate the instructor in the list of course participants and click on his/her name.

The instructor's profile page appears.

Viewing the Profile Page

The User Details section displays an Instructor's profile information, such as his/her email address, province/territory, employer(s), employment sector(s), and the name of their mentor.

The courses a user is enrolled are displayed under the Course profiles heading in the Course Details section. This includes the training courses and courses the instructor is teaching.

User reports can be accessed on the profile page. Refer to the Profile Page Reports article for more information.