Accessing Avenue Courses

Margarita Berezyanskaya

Last Update ένας μήνας πριν

This document provides first time users with the basic steps to access courses and BigBlueButton virtual classrooms on Avenue.

The four elements of the Avenue project that you will access are:

  • the Log in screen

  • the My Courses page

  • an Online classroom

  • a Synchronous virtual classroom, known as the BigBluebutton.

Signing In and Launching a Course

1. Go to the web address

2. Click either on the Login link at the top of the screen or the LOG IN TO AVEUE button.

3. On the next screen, type your email address and the password provided in your Welcome to Avenue email.

4. Click on the Log In button.

You are now on the Welcome to Avenue page.

5. Click on My Home.

6. Locate your course block on the My courses screen.

7. Click on the Launch course icon at the bottom of this block.

The course appears on the screen.

When you access your course for the first time, a guided tour will take you through the basic features of the course.

8. Click on Next to view more tips, or End tour to close the pop-up.

9. If you want to repeat the Tour, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on the Reset user tour on this page link.

10. At the end of the tour, it is best to consult with the course instructor to understand what is visible and what is hidden. Most of the course content will be hidden from the learners. It is revealed as required.

Course Main Page

There are several parts of a course main page.

On the left is the Navigation Drawer. This is a menu that allows you to quickly access Avenue and course resources.

Across the top are the Notifications and Messaging icons. These indicate unread notifications and messages and provide links to them.

On the right side of the screen are the course Blocks. These offer a flexible way for instructors to add more resources to the course. The help block is a link to a series of videos and How-To guides for just-in-time support.

The centre column is a listing of the course Topics and Learning activities and resources.

Joining the Virtual Classroom (BigBlueButton)

1. On the course, click on the BigBlueButton link.

2. An entry screen appears. If the conference room is ready, click on the Join session button.

3. Before you join the session, you must choose if you will be Listening only or if you will be listening and speaking during the session.

If you choose Microphone, two pop-ups appear.

One is a prompt asking if you allow the browser to use your microphone.

4. Click on Allow.

The other pop-up is a private echo test you can use to check your microphone.

5. Speak a few words and follow the instructions.

The BigBlueButton screen appears.

When you join the session, the instructor and students will be listed in the left column.

There are four areas of focus:

  • Chat messages in the Public chat column
  • Media in the presentation area
  • Instructor live video
  • Audio and video sharing icons

6. To leave a virtual classroom, click on the Options icon on the top-right corner.

7. Click on the Leave meeting link.
