Profile Page Reports

Margarita Berezyanskaya

Last Update un mese fa

A number of reports about individual students are available, accessed through the student’s Profile within the course.

1. Choose Participants from the Navigation Drawer.

2. A list of students will appear. Use the Filters or First Name and Surname initials, if necessary, to find the student in question. Choose the student whose reports you wish to look at.

3. Scroll down the student’s Profile to the section labelled Reports.

Today’s Logs

Today’s Logs shows a graph of the number of "hits" or actions the student has made in the course, each hour, followed by a more detailed log of each action the student has taken.

All Logs

All Logs shows a graph of the number of "hits" or actions the student has made in the course, each day, followed by a more detailed log of each action the student has taken.

Outline Report

This report shows every item within the course and indicates how many times the student has viewed it, as well as the grade received, if appropriate.

Complete Report

This report shows more detail about every item within the course, including actual Forum posts, actual Assignment submissions, etc.

Grades Overview

This report takes you to the Overview Report option of Grades, and shows you this student’s grades in all courses they are registered in.