Navigating to a Course from the Avenue Dashboard

Margarita Berezyanskaya

Last Update 2 months ago

Users with the SPO Manager role in Avenue have access to all of the training courses in use by their organization’s instructors. This help file explains how to navigate from the Avenue Moodle Dashboard to a SPO subcategory where courses are hosted. (This is an alternative for managers without a direct URL to their subcategory.)

After logging to Avenue:

1. Click the Classroom button to go to the Moodle learning management system (LMS).

The Moodle Dashboard appears.

2. On the Dashboard, select Site Home in the Navigation Drawer.

3. In Course Categories, choose LINC or Ontario ESL.

4. Choose your province or territory, (not applicable to Ontario ESL).

5. Find and select your SPO, using View More if necessary.

6. Browse the list and select the course you want to access.

After clicking the course link, you have full access to the course and its reports. You can also enroll yourself in the course and access learner ePortfolios. More information about this is available in the Course and ePortfolio Access Instructions for SPO Managers article.