Configuring the Quiz Activity Settings

Margarita Berezyanskaya

Last Update há 15 dias

The following settings help you configure the quiz activity and maximize its potential for a variety of different learning objects.

1. Click on the quiz activity in you course.

2. Click on the Actions menu.

3. From the drop-down menu, click on Edit settings.

4. Add a Description to the quiz if needed. This could include information about the topic, CLB level or any other requirements.

5. Check the box next to the Display description on course page to show the quiz information under the quiz name on the course page.
 Note: We do not recommend this as it will clutter the course page.


1. Click to expand the Timing Area.

2. Click the boxes near Enable to set Open and Close times and dates for the quiz.

3. Set the Time limit for the quiz.

4. Set how Moodle saves a student's attempt When time expires. There are three options.

  • Completed answers will be submitted automatically

  • Students can submit the answers manually by clicking on the Finish attempt button. If this option is chosen, you can allow a grace period after the quiz official time, during which students can click on Finish attempt and submit their work. Students will not be able to answer any additional questions during this grace period.

  • Students must click on Finish attempt before the official time is up, or they lose their work.


Click on Grade to expand this section.

1. The Grade category setting shows categories or ways of grouping assignment grades. Uncategorised is the default setting.

2. The Grade to pass field allows teachers to set the minimum grade required to pass. This setting will affect how grades are displayed in the gradebook and are used for activity and course completion if set up.

3. From the Attempts allowed menu, choose how many times students can take the quiz.

4. If you chose to allow more than one attempt, chose which attempt’s grade will be used as the final grade. There are four options: Highest grade, Average grade, First Attempt and Last attempt.



The Layout settings determine how the quiz questions are distributed over pages.

1. In the New Page section, choose how many questions you would like to appear in one page and check the box near Repaginate now.

2. From the Navigation method menu, choose Free if students are allowed to move back and forth and view previous and next questions in the quiz. If questions need to be answered in a certain order and students should not skip any question or go back to a previous question, select Sequential.


Question Behaviour

1. From the Shuffle within questions section choose Yes to randomly shuffle the parts of multi answer questions. Choose No to keep the original order of the answers.

2. The next setting, How questions behave, determines when the students see feedback and grades on each question (if any).

  • Adaptive mode allows students to answer a question several times until they provide the correct answer. For each incorrect answer students will get a penalty and lose a percentage of the grade for that question.

  • Adaptive mode (no penalties) allows students to answer a question several times until they provide the correct answer. This is more useful for practice quizzes as penalties are not given for incorrect answers.

  • Setting the quiz to Deferred feedback requires the students to complete the whole quiz before receiving any feedback or grade.

  • The Deferred feedback with CBM (Certainty-based marking) setting requires the students to answer each question and indicate how sure they were about their answer. Moodle adjusts the grades according to both responses.

    Note how the CBM option is displayed in the students' view of the question below.

  • The Immediate feedback setting allows students to submit their answer to each question separately and receive immediate feedback and a grade. Students will not be able to change their answers later if this mode is selected.

  • Immediate feedback with CBM is similar to the previous setting, but students also need to decide how sure they were about their answer. Moodle combines the two responses and calculates a grade and feedback accordingly.

  • The Interactive with multiple tries setting allows students to respond to a question several times until they choose the correct answer. After each attempt, students click on a Check button. If the answer is not correct, they see a Try again button and resubmit their answers. If a question is answered incorrectly too many times, the item will be graded as wrong.

Review Options

This section allows teachers to configure what details students see During the attempt, Immediately after the attempt, Later, while the quiz is still open or After the quiz is closed. Many of these details depend on the Question behaviour settings configured earlier.


The Show the user's picture setting is useful for proctored exams and allows the invigilator to check the student’s picture and make sure they are not impersonating someone else. Available options are No image, Small image or Large image.

From the next two sections, Decimal places in grades and Decimal places in question grades, choose if/how many decimals you would like to have for the overall score and the grade for each item respectively. Note that this is only for display purposes and accurate calculations will be stored in the database.

The Show blocks during quiz attempts menu allows you to show or hide all course blocks from the student's view of the quiz screen.

Safe Exam Browser

This setting provides a customized web browser that must be installed on the device that the student uses. In this browser, students will not be able to use back or forward navigation, shortcut keys, or spell-checking options. For more information on how to configure this advanced setting, see the Safe Exam Browser article.

Extra Restrictions on Attempts

1. To make the quiz more secure, add a password by clicking in the Click to enter text field. You can choose to show or hide it by clicking on the eye icon.

2. To limit students' access to the quiz to certain locations, add the locations network address in the Require network address field. If there are more than one network addresses, separate them with a comma. This setting is useful if you want students to take a quiz only in class or on campus.

3. Check the box near Enable to Enforce delay between 1st and 2nd attempts and Enforce delay between later attempts. This will impose a delay between each time the student takes the quiz.

4. The Browser security option allows teachers to choose if they want the quiz to pop-up in a regular browser window or a new secure window that covers all other windows on a screen and has no browser controls. Note that the latter is similar to the Safe Exam Browser setting above without the complicated configurations.

The image below shows the student view of the quiz in a regular browser window where browser controls are available.

The image below shows the student view of the quiz in a secure browser where browser controls are not available.


Overall Feedback

The Overall feedback setting allows teachers to show feedback that is specific to each grade. Teachers can decide on several Grade boundaries and customize the feedback for each.

Note: The grade boundaries must be given in numbers or percentages only.

Common Module Settings

Settings in the Common module section are common to many Moodle activities and resources.

1. The Availability setting is used to Show/Hide the activity. This is identical to using the Show/Hide icons when the Turn editing on function is enabled on a course home page.

2. The ID Number setting sets an ID number for advanced use of the grade book. (This is not used in the LINC courseware.)

3. The Group mode setting enables the use of groups. (More information is available in the Organizing Learners Using Groups article.)

4. The Grouping option enables the use of groupings (a collection of groups).

Restrict Access

Click on the Add restriction... button to display the Add restriction pop-up.

Settings in the Activity completion section are used to set completion tracking, a viewing requirement and the expected completion date. (More information is available in the Setting Up and Using Completion Tracking article.)



Tags can be used to add the quiz as an artifact in the students' ePortfolio. (More information is available in the Tagging Activities for ePortfolio Auto-Collection article.)
Note: You can use two tags; one must be the tag ePortfolio for a quiz to be saved in the students' binders, and the other, the skill the quiz is designed for (Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing) or Other, if the activity is not specific to one skill, such as grammar or vocabulary activities.

