Editing Assignment Rubrics

Margarita Berezyanskaya

Last Update 20 hari yang lalu

Note: This article refers to editing your existing rubric. To create a rubric, see the Assignment Rubrics article, for using a rubric from a template by starting with a pre-defined Assignment, and the Assignment Rubrics Scratch article, for defining your own rubric.
1. Locate and click on the Assignment link on the course page.

2. The Grading summary page appears.

3. Click the Actions menu icon.

4. Choose Define rubric from the drop-down menu.

5. The Rubric editing page appears.

6. Scroll down the page to the Rubric.

Note: Each row is a Criterion.
7. To move a criterion row to a different position, click on one of the arrow icons in the leftmost cell of the criterion row.

8. To remove a criterion row from the rubric, click on the X (close) icon in the leftmost cell of the criterion row.

9. Click on the Yes button on the confirmation pop-up.

10. The criterion row disappears.

11. To add a criterion row to the rubric, click on the + Add criterion link under the Rubric table.

12. Add details into each cell of the criterion row by clicking in a cell and typing them.

13. You can also add a criterion row to the rubric by clicking on the Duplicate icon in the leftmost cell of the criterion row.

Note: It is more efficient to use the duplicate option rather than the Add criterion link because the Levels are already defined.

14. To add a level to a criterion, click on the Add level link on the right side of the row.

15. To remove a level of a criterion, click on the X icon in the level itself.

The level is deleted.

16. Click on the Save button.

17. The Rubric is updated, and the Advanced Grading screen appears.

18. Use the breadcrumbs to return to the course homepage.